Monday, September 26, 2022

Radical Relationship

 Radical discipleship will transform a budding relationship with God into a radical lifestyle that exalts and glorifies Him.  Have you ever seen this happen with anyone or even experience this yourself?  It's amazing and an ongoing joy to behold.

The unfailing love of God, His goodness and kindness compels and brings excellence and holiness into our beings.  Journey forth with God, Christians, on this two-way street of friendship He invites us to share with Him through faith in Christ Jesus.

Father God, Thank-You so much for this opportunity to become more like Christ.  Jesus sure did put His world into a whilrlwind they never ever dreamed of before when He walked this earth.  You still offer this to us too - a radical, Christlike lifestyle.  May each of Your children grow in wisdom and stature and favor with You as well as mankind but especially with You!  May Your glory radically shine through us and out to others as we radically pursue our relationship with You.

That is of prime importance to You, I believe.  Man is so fickle whereas Your favor is steady and true, and never ending.  Thank-You, in Jesus Name I pray and praise.  

                                                   ~ERC  September 2022~

Sing, Give Them All to Jesus, along with Evie.

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