Sunday, September 25, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - Prayer - God's Glory Shines Forth


Lord, may the law of kindness be upon Your childrens' lips.  May Your glory shine brighter than the noonday sun, shining from hearts attuned to Your Holy Spirit's leading and Your Word, will and ways.  May Your glory exude from our hearts, minds, mouths and lips.  However, not just in word, but also in deed.

Oh Father God,

"From Zion, perfect in beauty [You] shine forth" (Psalm 50:2 NIV).

As we, the followers of Jesus Christ, bring the message of the good news of Jesus Christ to family, friends, neighbors, fellow countrymen and to the nations beyond, may Your glory be the glory that shines and flows forth from You to and through us, out to others.

May the hearers be drawn to YOUR light and glory and not from anything else of motivation from our own human interest except that interest be Yours.

Thank-You for Jesus, the Light of the world Who shines out into the darkness of this world with Your glory displayed in His face (2 Corinthians 4:6).  May it be Him, His Light, that lights us like Your Home in Heaven that needs no sun, moon or stars, because of the Glory You shine forth.  What a treasure we have in Jesus.

Thank-You, Abba Father, even making this possible for Your children.  Jesus' Light has lit us, and can continue to do so because of His death, resurrection and offer of salvation and forgivenness of sins, and eternal life; and because of our acceptance of this most wonderful gift given out of love for us.  You have been so good and kind to us.

As we gather together this Lord's Day with Jesus in our midst to remember His sacrifice, may our hearts be warmed once again by Your Light and glory.  May we pass the broken bread and partake of it, and drink from the cup of wine, remembering that Your Light came to us through the selfless, sacrificial act of Jesus.  In heartfelt gratitude and praise may we then go forth to shine forth with Your Holy Spirit's dynamic power but also allowing Your glory to be pre-eminent in our lives.  May all men, women and children be drawn to YOUR glory.

In Jesus' name I ask.

                                            ~ERC  September 2022~

Based on Psalm 50:2.  See also Habakkuk 3:4; Isaiah 60:1-5; John 1:1-5; 2 Corinthians 4:6.

Sing, Mighty to Save, along with Hillsong.

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