Thursday, September 1, 2022

Good Book - Conspiracy of Kindness - By Steve Sjogren - Reviewed by ERChin

It's been more than a month or so since I've finished reading this Conspiracy of Kindness book.  Hopefully, I'm telling this true, from my reminisces of the radical message Steve Sjogren, the author, expostualates within the books' pages.  His work has stemmed from tried and true experience so I believe his recommendations can be trusted of how to relate better with today's society in connecting folks with the gospel through kindness evangelism. 

The message of kindness-in-action really resignates with me.  It's the 'doing' not just the hearing or saying.  "Kindness evangelism" is what it's called.  So easy, even a child can do it (with adult supervision Sjogren is quick to caution).  How freeing.

For example,  cleaning people's car windshields in mall carparks, or giving out cold drinks such as lemonade at a traffic light on an unbearably hot summer's day as people are going home from work; mowing peoples' lawns, raking leaves or shoveling snow, or even offering to clean their toilets.  Add your own ideas and off you go....

Sjogren is so right about this way of action, not so much in "random acts of kindness" but in many, consistant acts showing the love and care of God in action.  Doing so with a simple gift tag - "we do this to show you God's love in action."  Short, sweet, simple message; I like it.

Evangelism, to be truthful, has been torture for me and Sjogren expresses similarly in his book, adding that many Christians struggle with this aspect of Christian living.  He outlines, quite adequately, I believe, many and various shapes, forms and sizes of evangelical 'acts of kindness' that can be dispensed with systematic regularity and at minimal expense.  It's all rather delightful.  

Brothers and sisters-in-Christ, I hope many will be inspired to get into gear and thoughtfully, pro-actively commence and continue in their own customized, culturally attuned manner, to perpetuate a "conspiracy of kindness" in your own respective necks of the woods, whether as individuals, care groups or churches as a whole.  May many souls be won for Christ because of it.

If one dares to read this book, it will likely start the reader on an evangelical adventure they never, ever dreamed possible.  Steve Sjogren almost guarantee's it but I won't put words in his mouth.  Go to the Lord in prayer for your situation.  Then, don't make it a trend, rather, a lifestyle, he prays.

                                                          ~ERC  August 2022~

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