Thursday, September 1, 2022

Morality - Social Issues Facing the Church - NEW AGE MOVEMENT


Growing up, I heard the expression "The New Age Movement".  I got the distinct impression it was not a good thing to dabble in but never knew, really, what it was all about.  After going through a study of this topic by Rob Harbison, my understanding of it has increased.  Here's some of the things I've learned.

This quote by one Stephen Richards seems to embody much of what the New Age Movement (NAM) was/is about.

"Before you can successfully make friends with others, first you have to become your own friend."

There is a fair shake of truth in that in the raw face of it.  However, to delve behind, the New Age (NA) methods and activities indulged in to reach the "your own friend" stage, are deceptive philosophies.  Our Good Book, the Holy Bible - God's Word, exhorts,

"Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosopy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world and not according to Christ" (Colossians 2:8).

We Christians must always, always seek God and His counsel.  Remember the parable Jesus told of the wheat and the tares (Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43); in the end the true and the false will reveal themselves for what they are.

One of the best in a nutshell definitions of what exactly the NAM is, is,

"The New Age Movement or New Age spirituality is a conglomeration of beliefs rooted in Eastern mysticism.  Things ranging from meditation to occult practices can fall under the umbrella of New Ageism." ( Opinion:  Christians should Reject the "New Age" movement)

As we move along, we'll see that 'NA' is a bit of a misnomer.  Although the impetus of the 'modern' surge was in the mid-1980's to 1990's, it sort of petered out due to "unscientific ideas and practices" but inerest in these practices are picking up again, thus the relevance of a brief study about it and the importance of seeing God's perspective.  This NAM is actually, 'age ole,' which we will soon see.

Human beings, being very selfish and seeking their own interests will naturally want to seek their own spiritual authority of self.  Sound familiar?  That is similar to Satan's lure for Eve in the Garden of Eden.  "You'll have the ability to ascertain the knowledge of good and evil".  Or, "You'll be your own boss."

Yet, it seems these same human beings want to communicate with someone or something outside of themselves.  Ironic!  The NAM offered this, and mostly middle to upper class people latched on to it, like moths to a flame.

When people reject truth, they will believe a lie.  When people want to 'connect' with someone outside of themselves and wish for healing, light, love and to know the future - WOW!  No wonder this philosophy's popularity!  Who wouldn't want this?  True enough, but that's the deception of it.  Adam and Eve did not appreciate what they already had.  Rather, WHO they had.  They had GOD Himself!!  He came daily to commune with them.  God is Love.  God is Light.  God is truth!  He knows the future for each and every one of us.  They could have asked HIM!  So can we now!

He is outside of us but through His Holy Spirit's indwelling believers in Christ, He is also within us shadowing our own spirit.  Amazing truth that is often rejected.

We can have all of it though through Jesus Christ and commune with our Heavenly Father.  He is always open to our every cry and prayer.  He brings healing to our souls and spirits and even to the bullies, when it fulfils His purposes.

I believe this NA philosophy was so popular because it did give adherents a way to communicate and do so outside of themselves, albeit by a false route.  Satan the Deciever is still and always actively at the ready to supplant the Savior Jesus Christ, attempting to foil God's plans.

There are several more common and important "NA" beliefs.  We'll take cursory snapshots of them and compare to what God has to say about it in His Word.

Pantheism is one of these beliefs.  It says,

"the universe is a manifestation of God but that God is not a person.  Therefore, there is no God but the combined substance, forces and laws are manifested in the existing universe" (

So pantheism is not atheistic per se but there are either many gods or the universe is God but that god is not a person.  We know from God's Word that Jesus is the manifestation of God, that Jesus is God and a Person.

"The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel" (which means, "God with us")" [Matthew 1:23 NIV].

To say that "God is the world and the world (or universe) is God" is off kilter in another way.  We believers in Jesus and the infalible word of God will remember that God is eternal, He is from everlasting to everlasting and has no beginning nor ending.  He was BEFORE mountains were born, BEFORE He brough forth the whole world (Psalm 90:2).  We know these will burn with fire and therefore have an ending (2 Peter 3:10; Revelation 8).  Putting 2 + 2 together, we deduce God is NOT the universe.

In Psalms 113:4-6 we learn that God is "exalted over," "sits enthroned on high" and "looks down on the heavens and earth".  God is separte from, not embodient in, the univers.  The universe is not a manifestation of God, Jesus is.

Many of us have heard the term "reincarnation".  You know, if only we could be someone else, living in someone else's shoes; or become an eagle and soar above  and 'see all'!  To believe it possible in life often death will bring our soul and spirit that wish, - wow-!  unfortunately, one may not get that wish because a soul or spirit may end up in a snake, cockroach, monkey or some spiritual being like a diva - god.  These depend on the 'current' and 'previous' body's moral quality and behavioural actions.

The offshoot is that what they deserve - good or bad, cause and effect will be their just fate.  This philosophy suffocates without God's mercy and grace.

In contrast to continual reincarnation, the Bible teaches us that people die once and after that face judgment for sins done while in the flesh (Hebrews 9:27).  One death from earth to afterlife; therefore, a person does not come back as some other creature.  There is a second death that at the judgment, if one had not belonged to Jesus, then there is the eternal living death in Hell.  Yes, people don't like to hear about this and even get angry at such a suggestion but this is truth from God's Word.  This part of the truth people forsake for the lie of reincarnation.  People need to be confronted in kindness and with God's truth.

Ecclesiastes 12:7 tells us our 'dust' of human flesh returns to the ground.  The spirit returns to God who, gave it.  Final.  NO reincarntaion until the last day when God-given imperishable bodies will be given to human beings that will survive either Hell or heaven - for all eternity.

Another facet of the philosophy of reincarntion that can be refuted by Scripture stems from the time of creation.  God made different flesh of animals, birds, fish, insects and mankind.  It is therefore impossible for one species to become another; that is, a human being could not become a fish nor a fish become an insect and so on (1 Corinthians 15:35-57).  Even if reincarnation was possible, a species could only do so within its own species' set.

These verses also indicate that when a human being is resurrected (as opposed to reincarnated), they come back as themselves.  The only major change being their bodies are now IMperishable, as just mentioned above - lasting forever either in Heaven or Hell (on Judgement Day).

Reincarnation is linked to karma, which is a belief highly esteemed by New Agers.  We've touched on this as being the action, work or deeds...spiritual principles of cause & effect which determine how one reincarnates (wikipedia), thus the new being gets what he/she or it deserves.  Merits and demertis are earned by the individual and consequences are the individual's own fault.

By contrast, God's Word says,

"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23 NIV).

No one escapes negative karma - so to speak - except that by God's grace and mercy.  He reached out to mankind when He sent Jesus to die for the "whosoever" (John 3:16).

Because of sin (the cause), human beings earn death (the effect) (Romans 6:23).  God's offer of salvation through Jesus, should an individual human being accept, earns them,

"...the gift of God, [which] is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord".

That person will be then "set free from sin" and its ill effects:  death and eventual, eternal Hell at Judgement Day.

These benefits of eternal life in Christ lead to further holiness (Romans 6:22).

Isn't that wonderful news?!  There's no second guessing whether a person has done enough good deeds to outweigh bad deeds in any of their "lives".  Our "earnings" are set by God who is a real Being, separate from the universe who has all set in His Sovereign control.  There are no chances of foul-ups.

Altered States of mind is another practice among NAgers.  The normal state of consciousness is typically altered or induced by drugs, hypnosis, dance, sexual intercourse, fasting, meditation and more.  Mental disorders which are not "controlled" by the individual sufferer, either by being born thus, or from head trauma from accidents and so on.

These latter are unintentional alterations.  The NA practitioner uses various means an/or substances, which we will get into in a bit.

New Agers believe in a Higher and Lower Self.  The Lower being animal-like - our baser self trying to survive and feel good.  The Higher Self is supposedly a more refined version of oneself - an evolved creature -

 "the eternal omnipotent, conscious and intelligent being who is one's real self" (wikipedia).

This is the "fusion of our minds, emotions and body" - one with the universe.

The Christian would likely describe this as the old and new nature.  The old nature being the sinful one due to The Fall.  The new nature being the "in Christ" with the indwelling Holy Spirit within, leading and guiding us to progressive sanctification (a topic for some other day).  So saying, that "Higher Self" is not self at all but the Holy Spirit in the case of the believer in Christ.   Additionally, the Holy Spirit's indwelling does not make us God, nor a god.  Only our Creator God is divine.

For New Agers, meditation is used to contact ones "Higher Self" and in so doing, finding all answers to life's questions.  We followers of Jesus Christ will know, however, that it is the, 

"LORD who directs our steps" (Jeremiah 10:23),

 and our lives are not our own no mattter how much we may try to hijack our lives from God.

NA meditation is striving to find that "eternal" or "divine" element of oneself.  Here in Jeremiah, we learn that we do not own ourselves and therefore, can never achieve full control.  The One who tries will fail and fall  miserably flat.  On the other hand, meditation on Christ and His Word we will find HIM who is that Higher Supreme Being - GOD, Himself.  He is the ONE Adam and Eve overlooked.  Many are making that same mistake today.

We must remember Him.  We must worship and praise Him.  Ask Him to direct our lives and be willing to follow the path He has prepared for us.  This is our future and our hope in life and for eternity to come.

We cannot create our own reality without blowing it.  If our 'reality" is God's interests and the interest of loving our neighbor as ourselves, preferring them ahead of our own, this is God's reality for us.  We can choose to see the world through the "lens of God," and His perspective will gives us 20/20 vision.

If we're going to love others as ourself then we need to see ourselves how God does.  This is reality.  If you draw inaccurate conclusions about who you are and what you are capable of doing by another's assumptions and conclusions about you or your own low-self esteem, and so on, you will not live to your own full potential - in Christ.

NA meditation is said to bring the disciple towards greater enlightenment and consciousness.  The followers who engage in this, help the world itself to evolve in

 "increasing complexity and evolution" - "an ascent toward consciousness," 

which the earth itself develops.  They call it "Gaia" (a Greek and Roman goddess).  Consequently, NAgers are ever more active in global pursuits to save the earth.

Don't get me wrong.  God did give human beings the responsibility to care for the earth.  However, to do so to the point of worship is wrong.

"The have exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator - who is forever praised..." (Roman1:21-25, especially v 25).

When a person begins to worship creation instead of the Creator, that's when sinful desires kick in.  If these are persisted in, then 

"God gave [gives] them over to the shameful lusts".  

When we see how NAgers lived and perhaps how some still do - we see blatant evidence thereof.

Engaging in these triggers of the so-called "enlightened," along with not retaining the knowledge of God will be their undoing.  I do not say so with gloating but with sadness of heart.  One and all reading this, my prayer is that you all will find truth in Jesus Christ and so be set free to a truly great and eternal future.

Meditation, which has already been alluded to, is one of the NAgers' common practices.  They use techniques such as mindfulness - focusing the mind on a particular object, thought or activity; training the attention and awareness to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.

Christians meditate on God's Word.  We do not empty our minds but fill it by reading and memorizing and meditating upon God's word.  When we do, stress can be relieved, calm of hearts and minds fixed on God and His Word.  We may not change our stituaion in life but we walk arm-in-arm with the Lord.  In Him we can live, and move and have our being through His indwelling Holy Spirit.  Fix your eyes on Him.  Get your guidance from Him (Acts 17:28).

NAgers are keen on channeling.  Even if one is not a NAger, curiosity may overcome the uninitiated, propelling a person to try it.  This is when a person serves as a medium (spiritist/witch/wizard) towards  particular end or object (Dictionary - Oxford languages).  Consulting the dead is a favorite aim.  The Word of God explicitly condemns this and commands and warns against such consultations.

Channeling is not a new practice.  Far from it but it still does not make it right to try.  We need to "consult God's instruction and testimony of warning" (Isaiah 8:19-20).  King Saul banned all such practices but then secretly consulted the widow lady of Endor, who was a medium (1 Chronicles 10:12-14).

There is a particular term for consulting the dead; that is, necromancy.  God commanded the Israelites to NOT get involved with such practices as they are detestable to Him.  A person who continues in this is getting involved rather with the deceitful evil spirits (1 Timothy 2:3-6), not their departed loved ones, thus the emphasis on "deceitful"!  Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 are a couple of important verses to steer you right in this context,

"...the dead know nothing...and even their name is forgotten...never again will they have a part in anything that happens under the sun" (NIV).

Know this that,

"...wisdom comes from God above and this is pure".

If you lack wisdom, ask God for it (James 1:5; 3:17-18).

I hate it when I'm lied to but then what's left for those who don't like the truth?  Fellow Christians, let's be lovers of the truth we find in our heavenly Father, God, and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.  Talk to God in the Name of Jesus and ask Him what you want to know.  He'll let you know what He wants you to know.

Jesus is our One and Only Mediator between God and man (1 Timothy 2:3-6).  He'll give us, His children, the "knowledge of the truth," if and when we are willing to listen.  If you want the truth, when you seek the truth with a sincere heart - you will receive the truth.  Are you ready for it?

Instead of looking into crystals, using the "spirit guides" of channeling and/or consulting astrology, let your source of enlightenment be the Lord.  Let us fear the Lord and shun evil (Ephesians 5:7).  All the NA practices lead away from trusting the Lord to trust in demons and mankind and self.  God wants our hearts and for us to consult HIM.  He is the truth and won't steer us wrongly.  Christ is our light and truth.  Allow Him to guide us into Him - our Source.

Some NAgers like to have paranormal experiences

"The phenomena beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding.  This includes the occult, psychic and spiritualistic experiences" (Dictionary - Oxford languages).  

STAY away from these, let them be 'anathema' to each and every believer in Jesus Christ!  Remember these are deceitful experiences produced by Satan, the father of lies, with the express intention of leading one and all astray and away from the One True God and Jesus Christ His Son, Who is Truth.  Live as children of the Light (Ephesians 5:6-13) - don't even experiment with anything paranormal.

Holistic medicine looks harmless enough.  We do want to get to the root cause of all our illnesses and diseases and not just treat the symptoms.  A definition of holistic medicine I got from Integrated & Holistic -Chronic Disease Clinic, states that holistic medicine is,

"....a form of healing that considers the whole person - body, mind, spirit and emotions - in the quest for optimal health and wellness."

Again, I believe this would be quite attractive to me especially if I was chronically ill!  Wouldn't you?

There are lines that can be crossed here though, thus many Christian's averson to considering this form of healing.  We hear the term, "holistic," and go 'ballistic.  Yet, wasn't Jesus in the business of healing?  For certain sure!  Jesus did "inner surgery" on the woman of Samaria at the well  (John 4).  He got to the root cause.  Hers was a spiritual problem; spiritual illness although perhaps not physical.

However, the NA holistic medicine does not include God, obviously.  Once God is left out of the equation, there will be an aura of deceit hovering, ready to pounce; beware!  Buddhism - which does not believe in a Supreme Being (God) - definitely goes in for the balancing of yin and yang which falls in line with seeking out and balancing the body's mind, spirit, emotions, doing good deeds, as opposed to wrong doings, in order to help and heal the body.

Our spiritual ills began in the Garden of Eden, at "The Fall".  This is the true root cause.  We all have sinful natures - distorted, if you will.  In comes the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to save us from sin and sinful nature.  To redeem us and 'heal' our souls and spirits.  When we accept Jesus as our Savior we may not heal our natural bodies but we have brought inner healing.  Some day we will have imperishable bodies.  Until then, the Holy Spirit's indwelling of each believer can empower us to live a life pleasing to the Lord, bring that "balance" of mind, spirit, emotions when an individual follows His leading.  This is all part and parcel of God's glorious salvation He feeely gives.  Choose this life of truth.  Certainly, we need to care for our bodies but it is not the be-all goal.  To be as well as possible, achieved by God-honoring means, allows a believer in Christ to use one's well-being to serve him optimally in ways He has planned for us.

In my opinion, wanting holistic well-being is not really wrong, per se.  However, one must be extremely careful not to cross boundaries into Satan's territory of operation.  I do believe, for example, that reflexology is certainly beneficial and that points massaged do truly help.  I think, but this is not documented by someone in the know or at least I have not yet read about it, that Satan has stolen some of these means of healing from the true mainstream of God-given healing and abducted it for himself.  That's why we need to be so very careful of what we allow in line of getting that coveted holistic well-being and quality of life.  Pray, Christian and seek God.

In some wyas astral projection sounds like a wonderful 'ride'.  Some may think it 'cool' to have an 'out-of-body' experience.  If such a thing could happen, it means that, 

"there is existence of a subtle body called an 'astral body' through which consciousness can function separately from physical body and travel throughout the astral plane" (wikipedia).

We may wonder why someone might want to do this, to be that proverbial fly on the wall to eavesdrop or glean international intelligence and spread gossip.   It is likely something deeper, though...

I suppose to enable some greater knowledge of oneself, their environment, to attain and promote a "higher level" status for themself.  In so doing they 'help' the planet and universe to move cosmic forces and become 'god' - afterall, according to them, isn't 'god' the universe and the universe 'god'?  God is not a person so they want oneness and together as a colossal group become god, the universe, and visa versa.  Nevertheless, this is not the "Age of Aquarius" as NAgers wish to believe.

Jesus prayed that His disciples would be one with Him even as He is one with His Father, God.  God the Creator, NOT a god, the created universe.  Hopefully, this does not confuse any reader, instead bring true enlightenment of God's truth!  I pray it to be so (John 17:20-23).

Astrology has been around for millenia!  So these things really are not 'new'.  Back in c. 3rd B.C. Mesopotamia, then to India, the Greeks, Islamic culture, European times, all down to the Middle Ages, astrology has been 'alive and well' - developing, rising and falling and producing zodiac signs and horoscopes that people like to consult.  It's not a new age but revival and continuances of ancient pagan practices - spurred on by Satan and his demonic influences (Britannica).

As Christians we cannot dismiss all of this a "quackery" and being "not real".  True, all these practices cannot be proven scientifically.  However, our faith in Christ also cannot be scientifically proven.

"Faith is the...evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1 KJV).

Did you see that?  "...of things not seen".

We can't see spirits (unless they allow it) just like we can't see wind.  Nevertheless, we see evidence thereof.  The key to all these NA practices and beliefs is that one should stay far, far away from them.  Don't even dabble out of curiosity.  You will be crossing over into Satan's territory and deceptive realm if you do.  I'll use the word 'aversion' again.  Christains must advance an aversion to all NA practises.

If you happen to be experimenting with it, repent and renounce them in the name of Jesus and by the power of the blood of Jesus.  Get rid of any paraphenalia associated therewith.  Purify yourself of all such things.  Soak yourself, instead, in God's word and obedience to Him.  He is our faithful God - faithful and just and will forgive us of all these when we repent and confess it all to Him (1 John 1:9).  Then the indwelling Holy Spirit can alert us, make us sensitive to the evil one to aid against this enemy, as we test the spirits to see whether they be of God or not.

This is important so that we can then don the armor of God, pray and stand firm for the Lord.  We can fight then against strongholds of evil and arguments that set themselves up against the knowledge of God in our own minds, and thereby take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:3-6).  This not in naivety but with that firm knowledge of truth in Christ.  In so doing we can bring God's Light and Truth to others.  Amen?  Of course, Amen!

Let us find our meaning in Christ and His Word.  Fill our hearts and minds with His Word.  Meditate upon His Word.  Let our actions be obedient to His Word and NOT to the 

"hollow and deceptive philosophies, which depend on human tradition and elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than upon Christ" (Colossians 2:8-10).

Whether from ancient times long forgotten, or in resurgence of old practices rewrapped in today's terminology, we, who are "in Christ," can know the truth and let TRUTH set us free.  Church, be alive, alert and aware of God's truth as set out in His Word and be that bulwark against anything, anyone or any thought that contradicts our Heavenly Father and His Word.  May any movement of this day and age be that of spreading the gospel of salvation and enlightenment through Jesus Christ and walking in step with the Holy Spirit.  Commune with HIM, through Jesus.  He is the Source of all knowledge, truth, and light because He is ...

"the Way, the Truth and the Life..." (John 14:6-7 NIV).

As a saying goes,

"Life without God is like a blunt point."

Praise the Lord, God is and He is separate from His Creation.  However, in Christ we can have that coveted fellowship with Him once again as did Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden BEFORE The Fall.  In so doing, we will also realize much about ourselves as He can reveal it to us through His Scriptures, His Spirit and through our relationship with Him.

Seek Him because you will find Him.

                                                  ~ERC  July 2022~

Based on Moral Issues Facing the Church Study Guide Lesson 9, by Rob Harbison.

Other references:

Britiannica New Age Movement Religious Movement Encyclopedia

Christians Should Reject the New Age Movement

New Age - Wikipedia

Pantheism Encylopedia Britannica

Pantheism Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy fall 2008 edition

Huff Post 9 Signs of a Reincarnated Soul

Healing Altered States of Consciousness

Higher Self, Soul, Divine Self

Ending the Battle Between The Lower Self and Higher Self

How We Create Our Own Reality

Thoughts Become Reality

Why Are People Into Astrology

Astrology From Ancient to Modern

Commercialization of Astrology - The Badger Herald

Of Course the Best are all the Bible verse references used by Rob Harbison which are indicated throughout the article.


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