Sunday, September 4, 2022

Which Do You Believe


When we seesaw on the teeter-totter of life we Christians will have ups and downs.  We struggle to live in the purity and holiness God desires and often slip into sin that so easily besets us.  Then we feel shame and want to hide from others and even from God, as did Adam and Eve.  So then when we are down, we get very down and yield to temptations, which lead us further down, loading us with more guilt and shame.

Yet, we need to remember we are not sinners saved by grace.  Rather, we are saints, made so by God at our moment of salvation, saved by grace.  As such, we need to recall that we have "no condemnation" when we are "in Christ" because He remembers our sin, no more.  He is right here beside us, hands out-stretched toward each of us, ready to forgive our latest plummet - when we repentantly confess our latest failure.

When we are down we may feel, oh, "here I go again - what can I expect, I'm like that".  Don't do that, brothers and sisters-in-Christ!  Don't condemn yourselves, cuz God doesn't anymore.

Look up, on the way up.  Yes, I have sinned.  I repent.  Christ forgives.  I'm a child of God - a saint.  I can be free from all the shame.  I'm NOT a failure.  By God's grace I can get free from entanglement from sin because He loves me.  He says to me, "Go and leave your life of sin."  I have!

Which do you choose?  The shame of the teeter-totter life or the set free, shame-free Christian living?  Which will you believe?  Shame?  Freedom?  Choose freedom in Christ.

I know this does not mean one will never sin again but we can be reminded that we belong to Heavenly Father's family and He is there to help us overcome, in Christ and through His Holy Spirit's guidance when we partner together with Him.  In Christ alone put your hope.  He is in the business of lifting us up and setting us on a rock.

Then Christian, let your souls sing, how great and faithful God is!

                                                     ~ERC  July 2022~

Based on YouVersion The Heart of Man Plan, Day 7.

Sing, What a Faithful God Have I.  Song by Heavenly Worship.

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