Sunday, September 4, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - ONE



Sometimes one of something is not enough.  One chocolate covered candy, one raisin, one peanut - they are definitely not enough.  However,  one of other things are just enough:  one wife; one husband and so on.  

These should be enough because one plus one equals two, and two is company but three is a crowd.  Unless, of course, one plus one makes a wee baby enter the world, making one plus one equal three, or four or more.  One mother and one father, the  best that our one God and Heavenly Father gave, creating one family nucleus.

Speaking of our Heavenly Father...He gave His one and only Son for us - mankind -  that one and only race of human kind.  When we receive salvation through Jesus Christ we become one child of God and part of His one family nucleus.

Now we can talk about one faith.  The gift of faith given for us to believe in Jesus Christ and His redemptive work for us on that one old rugged cross.  We have been saved by our one God's gift of grace and faith (Ephesians 2:8-9).

When individuals accept Jesus Christ as Savior, they receive the indwelling of His one Spirit whom we call the Holy Spirit.  This joins us to the one body of believers called the Church, of which there is only one.  We serve our one Savior whom we need to allow to be Lord in our life.  The one Lord...

Following on from this is our one hope in Him.  He is our hope of eternal salvation and life.  One day we will be with our one God and Heavenly Father - forever (Ephesians 4:4 NIV).

Christians then speak of one baptism.  Jesus gave the injunction to His disciples to baptise new believers, who have been made disciples that believe everything Jesus had commanded them and obeyed these, 

"in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 18:18-20 NIV).

There have been many types of baptism in the past, for example, John the Baptizer's one of repentance and preparation for the coming of Jesus.  Now there is only ONE; that is, this one in the name of the One Father, One Son Jesus and One Holy Spirit.

Our one Christ is enough.  He is enough for salvation.  He is enough for forgiveness of our sins.  He is enough for our everlasting life.  He is enough for us to be in God's family.  He is enough to fill our hearts with His unfailing love, joy, caring and presence.  He is enough for us to love, honor, obey, and serve in purity and truth.

And thus we remember Him in His death and resurrection through the breaking of bread and drinking of the cup of wine, even this Lord's Day.  These symbols bring it all to mind helping us to recall all He has done for us to make us part of His one family.

Fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ let us, with one heart, mind and voice praise Him, the ONE who is enough.

                                                           ~ERC  July 2022~

Based on Ephesians 4:4 NIV.

Sing, One Foundation, along with, Martijn de Groot.

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