Thursday, September 15, 2022

Prayer - Deliver Us


Father God, thank-You that You will instruct willing hearts in "the ways they should choose" (Psalm 24:12).  You don't force these ways upon us, You leave this choice up to us, yet they are designated as what we "should choose".  In your great mercy and graciousness, You do "release my [our] feet from the snares" (Psalm 25:15) we get ourselves entangled in, when we choose our own ways instead of those we "should".

If it were not for You, oh Abba Father, where would we be?  Deliver us, deliver us, deliver us from all our troubles especially those we bring upon ourselves.   Your children, forever look up to You, to be guided by Your Word and Your Holy Spirit until Jesus comes to bring us to glory.  May Your name be revered and made holy in our hearts and minds, wills and actions.  My our hearts continue to yearn to know Yours.  In Jesus' Name I pray.

                                                         ~ERC  August 2022~

Based on Psalm 25 NIV.

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