Thursday, September 22, 2022

Quit Your Rubbernecking

 The opening verses of Psalm 1 show wise people who would not walk, stand, nor sit with the wicked, with sinners nor with scoffers.  These are God's salt and light in a world of darkness and foolishness.  Praise the Lord for these people of faith!

Yet there are those who are curious and who rubberneck at what the wicked do.  They just want to walk by and check it out.  You all know the drill when you drive by a road accident and you slow the car and extend your necks to see what has happened to some poor victim.

The walk-by rubbernecker may think, hmmm, I still didn't get enough of a look, so he or she will become not just a passerby but come to stand around and note the gory details in greater definition.  In other instances, watching still others engage in various dubious and wicked exploits and even having a small taste of it themself.

The little bit becomes more.  Come, sit with us these sinners and scoffers invite.  And, so the foolish sit and become one of them - entangled and emeshed.  That "innocent" rubbernecking was dangerous!

In this world of changed and changing morality, the strong undertow is equally treacherous.  Those of faith in Christ need to be steadfast and persevere for as long as it takes.  We are not in a perfect world and we are not perfect people but our Heavenly Father would have us to strive for perfection and be holy as He is holy.

By contrast, we see Psalm 23:6 where goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our life and then we'll dwell in the house of the Lord forever.  Perfection will be perfected in us.

Until then, quit your rubbernecking at the "way of the wicked," instead let us "follow the way of the righteous" by following the LORD, our Good Shepherd.  Yes, and turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His face."

                                                     ~ERC  August 2022~

Based on Psalm 1 and 23.

Sing, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, along with Keith & Kristyn Getty.

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