Friday, September 2, 2022

Holy and Chosen Saint

 I think it makes all the difference in the world to realize that when I accepted Jesus Christ as Savior I became NOT and NEVER a "saved sinner," rather, a "saved saint, who yes, messes up."  This is a revised persepctive and a vital one to accept.

God gave us a new heart, His righteousness, "holiness, and cleanliness" in and through the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the blood of the Lamb of God (Jesus).  This happened the moment we accepted Jesus Christ as Savior.

Can you see this?

It's called "justification" - 'just as if I'd never sinned,' as the saying goes.  It's also called "sanctification" - we were made holy and set apart from the unholy.  This according to the costly grace of God and of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Note, the name "Savior" keeps popping up as opposed to Lord and Savior.  This is where the mess up stuff comes in.  We were made saints and given the Holy Spirit.  When we read God's word, listen to and are sensitive to the guidance of the Word and Holy Spirit, obeying - we continue to live holy lives.  When we ignore - then we mess up; often BIG time.

If we keep calling ourselves saved sinners we identify ourselves by our sin, so that when we do mess up, we say, "What did I expect!"  And then we feel so bowed down with guilt and shame and disgust at ourselves.  Things become a vicious  cycle that can drag us deeper into the quagmire because - hey - I'm "just a sinner, saved by grace."

Well, that's true in a sense, however, on the other hand, when we identify ourselves as "made holy" by the blood of the Lamb and God's grace, don't you believe that this gives a better perspective?  This even if you are currently in a major foul up?

Yes, Jesus is with us even in the midst of our sexual affairs and sins; addictions and constant set backs, as He is with us.  The Holy One - our Savior!  Is He demanding you stop what you are doing?  Or, is He, the One with the full, complete and holy heart of love, gazing at you, the one He died on the cross for - to make you holy as He is holy - gazing with compassion and grace and tender loving care.  Does this melt your/our hearts?

Does this remind us that we were "made holy" and sanctified, that we are a "new creation" in Christ?  This is a wonderful verse to meditate upon in this context we're talking about,

"God made Him [Jesus] who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21 NIV).

Because of this work of salvation and redemption, there is,

" no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1-2 NIV).

"No condemnation!"

Aren't those the best words to hear our Savior say?  The verse continues,

"...because through Jesus Christ the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death."

"Set free!"

Our chains are broken.  Our chains are gone!  Life in the Holy Spirit - walking in step with Him aids and abets our holy walk and helps us up out of our miry pit of self-destruction.  This is making our Savior Jesus, also our Lord.  Our Lord and Master so that our lusts and greeds do not overtake us and make themselves our lord and master instead!

God's love constrains us and helps us maintain our holy living.  When we mess up, we remind ourselves, "Jesus made me holy,  I am a saint."

This of course, not in a proud way but from mindful and grateful hearts.  We had nothing to do with making ourself such a saint - it was all by faith and the grace of God - both gifts of God, as is our holiness.  Can you hear your Lord and Savior Jesus say,

"Go and leave your life of sin" (John 8:11)?

He's right there beside you in all your current muddle.  He's looking at you in love.  Respond by accepting His loving hand of help to lift you up and out, to repent and receive the forgiveness.  He does not condemn.  Satan does.  He wants you to see yourself as His holy and  chosen one.  Believe this truth.  You are a saint, saved by grace.


                                                       ~ERC  July 2022~

Based on YouVersion Devotional Plan - The Heart of man Reflection Questions - If you believe that you received a shame-free identity the moment you put your hope in Jesus, what difference would it make?  Even now, after your most recent failure?

Sing, Saved by Grace Alone.  when you listen to the words of this song, let the tears of gratitude flow and stream forth.  Sing along with, Whitewell Metropoltan Tabernacle Belfast, Northern Ireland

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