Friday, September 30, 2022

Book Review - Mary - By Shannon McNear - Publication Date: 1 October 2022

 What a captivating story that is lathered in and drips of, historical figures and happenings on New World soil.  A colony that was purportedly lost - vanished.  However, this book hints of where they may have gotten lost to...integrated with Algonquian tribal groups from Roanoac Island, Outer Banks, North Carolina, such as among the Croatoan, Kurawoten, Powhatan, Secon, Sukwoten and other native Americans/FirstNation Peoples.

Some true-to-life native characters were people like Manteo, Wanchese, Towaye and others who in the late 1500's were brought to England for a short period of time.  Other characters of English origin such as Ananias and Elinor (White) Dare; John White, Roger Bailie, featured in the pioneering of the New World in this area, assimilating into native culture either of free will or by captive force.

The gospel of Jesus Christ was well represented throughout this whole story I'm very pleased to report and noted that many of Manteo's people came to know Christ.  When a reader comes to the addenda at book end, he or she will find suggestion of such, based on some of what the author, Shannon McNair, discovered in her research hunts, preparatory to writing this book.

I loved Manteo, Mushaniq, Georgie, Two Feathers, Timqua, Elinor, Sees Far, and others who really did try to "make room" for each other's respective culture in what was, at times, an uneasy truce of fine-tuned balance and relationship.  Anyone who has been an expat anywhere in the world, or who has even inter-married with a culture vastly different than their own and become immersed therein, will understand the depth, nuances and struggles of such alliances.  McNair has really done an excellent, excellent job of this, almost as if she'd lived such herself.

What a wonderful bridge she inter-weaves too, with the forgiveness, grace, and love of God, and respectful comparisons with the spirit world and culture of the various First Nation Peoples.

I found the explanations of the First Nation Peoples' culture and practices fascinating especially the 'huskanaw' and 'huskanasqua' but I'll let any potential reader find out for themselves what they are all about.  I liked that the pubescent girls and women would be allowed a stay at "the women's house" during their monthly 'visitor' time and how the native man would respect a pregnant woman.

Anyway, do read the story which is full of excitement and NOT boring for even a second.  This is a second book in a series called Daughters of the Lost Colony and a third may well be on its way.  

The addenda gives good historical notes of the book's characters who were true to history, both English and Native; actual and fictional; lists of:  those who moved to Beechland; were taken captive; the region's people groups; native vocabulary and more.

Happy Reading, should you decide to go for it!  Oh yes, and find out who Mary is, or was....

                                           ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                     August 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Radical Relationship

 Radical discipleship will transform a budding relationship with God into a radical lifestyle that exalts and glorifies Him.  Have you ever seen this happen with anyone or even experience this yourself?  It's amazing and an ongoing joy to behold.

The unfailing love of God, His goodness and kindness compels and brings excellence and holiness into our beings.  Journey forth with God, Christians, on this two-way street of friendship He invites us to share with Him through faith in Christ Jesus.

Father God, Thank-You so much for this opportunity to become more like Christ.  Jesus sure did put His world into a whilrlwind they never ever dreamed of before when He walked this earth.  You still offer this to us too - a radical, Christlike lifestyle.  May each of Your children grow in wisdom and stature and favor with You as well as mankind but especially with You!  May Your glory radically shine through us and out to others as we radically pursue our relationship with You.

That is of prime importance to You, I believe.  Man is so fickle whereas Your favor is steady and true, and never ending.  Thank-You, in Jesus Name I pray and praise.  

                                                   ~ERC  September 2022~

Sing, Give Them All to Jesus, along with Evie.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Book Review - InvestiGators - Heist and Seek - by John Patrick Green - Publication Date: 27 September 2022

 Snickers, snorts and chortles are the name of the game for this cartoon cum comic-like book.  There's plenty of 'gross and yuck' for kids, and amusing plays on words for adults.  You won't go wrong with this InvestiGators - Heist & Seek!  John Patrick Green surely painted a good one here with Mango and Brash investiGating an art theft.  This is book six in Green's InvestiGator series.  This one is likely indication of what those others are too:  good, clean and entertaining fun that will keep the reader chuckling smiles and giving a super great lift to your day.  It did, at least, for me.

                                              ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                June 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy send to me by NetGalley and the FirstSecond books publiser.

Read review on Goodreads.

Lord's Day Devotion - Prayer - God's Glory Shines Forth


Lord, may the law of kindness be upon Your childrens' lips.  May Your glory shine brighter than the noonday sun, shining from hearts attuned to Your Holy Spirit's leading and Your Word, will and ways.  May Your glory exude from our hearts, minds, mouths and lips.  However, not just in word, but also in deed.

Oh Father God,

"From Zion, perfect in beauty [You] shine forth" (Psalm 50:2 NIV).

As we, the followers of Jesus Christ, bring the message of the good news of Jesus Christ to family, friends, neighbors, fellow countrymen and to the nations beyond, may Your glory be the glory that shines and flows forth from You to and through us, out to others.

May the hearers be drawn to YOUR light and glory and not from anything else of motivation from our own human interest except that interest be Yours.

Thank-You for Jesus, the Light of the world Who shines out into the darkness of this world with Your glory displayed in His face (2 Corinthians 4:6).  May it be Him, His Light, that lights us like Your Home in Heaven that needs no sun, moon or stars, because of the Glory You shine forth.  What a treasure we have in Jesus.

Thank-You, Abba Father, even making this possible for Your children.  Jesus' Light has lit us, and can continue to do so because of His death, resurrection and offer of salvation and forgivenness of sins, and eternal life; and because of our acceptance of this most wonderful gift given out of love for us.  You have been so good and kind to us.

As we gather together this Lord's Day with Jesus in our midst to remember His sacrifice, may our hearts be warmed once again by Your Light and glory.  May we pass the broken bread and partake of it, and drink from the cup of wine, remembering that Your Light came to us through the selfless, sacrificial act of Jesus.  In heartfelt gratitude and praise may we then go forth to shine forth with Your Holy Spirit's dynamic power but also allowing Your glory to be pre-eminent in our lives.  May all men, women and children be drawn to YOUR glory.

In Jesus' name I ask.

                                            ~ERC  September 2022~

Based on Psalm 50:2.  See also Habakkuk 3:4; Isaiah 60:1-5; John 1:1-5; 2 Corinthians 4:6.

Sing, Mighty to Save, along with Hillsong.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Quit Your Rubbernecking

 The opening verses of Psalm 1 show wise people who would not walk, stand, nor sit with the wicked, with sinners nor with scoffers.  These are God's salt and light in a world of darkness and foolishness.  Praise the Lord for these people of faith!

Yet there are those who are curious and who rubberneck at what the wicked do.  They just want to walk by and check it out.  You all know the drill when you drive by a road accident and you slow the car and extend your necks to see what has happened to some poor victim.

The walk-by rubbernecker may think, hmmm, I still didn't get enough of a look, so he or she will become not just a passerby but come to stand around and note the gory details in greater definition.  In other instances, watching still others engage in various dubious and wicked exploits and even having a small taste of it themself.

The little bit becomes more.  Come, sit with us these sinners and scoffers invite.  And, so the foolish sit and become one of them - entangled and emeshed.  That "innocent" rubbernecking was dangerous!

In this world of changed and changing morality, the strong undertow is equally treacherous.  Those of faith in Christ need to be steadfast and persevere for as long as it takes.  We are not in a perfect world and we are not perfect people but our Heavenly Father would have us to strive for perfection and be holy as He is holy.

By contrast, we see Psalm 23:6 where goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our life and then we'll dwell in the house of the Lord forever.  Perfection will be perfected in us.

Until then, quit your rubbernecking at the "way of the wicked," instead let us "follow the way of the righteous" by following the LORD, our Good Shepherd.  Yes, and turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His face."

                                                     ~ERC  August 2022~

Based on Psalm 1 and 23.

Sing, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, along with Keith & Kristyn Getty.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Book Review - Through Thick and Thin - By Rosemary Conley - Publication Date: 18 August 2022


Rosemary Conley, British author and fitness guru, has written a plethora of fitness and diet books, keeping people trim and slim, if they follow her low-fat diets and exercise regimes, that is.  Many people, especially the women of the United Kingdom are, I assume, very familiar with this dazzling lady and woman of Christian faith.  However, I was pleased to "meet" her in this Through Thick and Thin autobiography of her life. 

Like all of us, Rosemary has had her ups and downs in life but I was inspired by her perseverence to push through some very tough spots.  She graciously credits God and her husband Mike for seeing her through a good deal of it.

Generally, the book was upbeat but I did find it draggy in places as perhaps there was an excess of detail betimes.  Nevertheless, she has gotten me to get up and get cracking to make my 'thick' a little more 'thin'.

In the addenda are lists of all Rosemary's books, DVD's, and videos, among others.  Over the life time of her fitness business, she and her husband have donated mega bucks to charity.  Indeed, she has written that the  royalities for this book will be given to support an organization where children with motor disorders and the like, are enabled to be the best they can be.  This is  something I am wholeheartedly happy to learn.

                                           ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                        August 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read Review from Goodreads.

Monday, September 19, 2022

Morning Message

 I stepped out of the car and my nostrils were instantly assaulted by a nasty stench, almost making me puke.  Whatever the foul concoction of debris, combined to infiltrate the air, I didn't care to investigate, I just wanted out of there - STAT!

In spite of this, as I was locking up the car, I spied a most welcome sight.  A brave, wee flower in a most unexpected place.  It's delicate mauve hue was shining its glorious face, lifting itself upwards towards the early morning sun.  Some of the night's raindrops lingered and sparkled like diamonds.  The stench versus this sight, most conspicuous.

This pop of beauty in such a disagreeable sort of place was a wonderful message of good cheer from the Lord.  He focused my attention on that flower - on the goodness of His creation - a plant that had bloomed where planted, even in such a disgusting environment.

Obvious spiritual lessons ensue.  Sometimes we find ourselves in troubled, difficult and challenging places but we can still flourish despite it all, displaying the beauty of Christ in us.

                                                        ~ERC  July 2022~

Sing, God Will Take Care of You, along with Rosemary Siemens.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - Prayer - Temptation


Father God, You promised to keep Your children strong to the end so that we can be enriched in every way because You called us to be holy and blameless on the day of your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.  You promise this because You are faithful.

I rest in this knowledge.

We, Your children, do struggle something fierce at times but also know that the temptations we are tempted by will not be more than we can bear.  You said so, in Your Word.

I rest in this too.

Secondly, You provide way out.  Make us wise enough to take hold of such rescue, Abba Father (1 Corinthians 10:13-11:1).

As we come before the Lord's table this Lord's Day morning (noon or night), to break the bread in remembrance of Jesus' broken body for us, and drink of the cup of the Lord, we once again thank You for giving us salvation and Your Holy Spirit Who helps keep us strong in the Lord and in fellowship with Him.

Thank-You for the rescue from our sins and their consequences of eternal death and punishment in Hell.  Thank-You for the rescue available, daily, in our Christian living keeping us blameless from the temptations, which abound and beset us.

Your faithfulness, Oh Lord, reaches to the Heavens.

In Jesus' Name we praise and pray.

                                               ~ERC  September 2022 ~

Based on 1 Corinthians 1:2-9 NIV and 1 Corinthians 20:13-11:1.

Sing, Tempted and Tried, along with Brad Paisley and Your Love Oh Lord, along withNina Dixon.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Morality - Social Issues Facing the Church - OBSCENITY


Obscenity is similar to the COVID -19 virus.  We can easily pick up "the germs" in so many ways and places without even realizing it - it's no joke!  We are only just coming down off the extreme high alert of guarding against being infected with COVID and its mutations and having to adhere to all the SOP's after more than a two year hiatus.  For obscenity, however, we followers of Jesus Christ cannot and should not let down our guard.  Yes, there are some SOP's to help us prevent a habit of obscene practices and speech from developing and also to help break routine usage of obscenity.

Church, take notice!  We do NOT point fingers at those people who are in and of the world, only at those of us who purport and profess to belong to Christ, whether from decades of belonging or only a short time of being "in Christ".  This discussion is for us!

To begin, look at a definition of 'obscenity,' just so everyone is clear on what is being discussed herein.  The New Collins International Dictionary of the English Language states that 'obscene' means,

 "the portrayal of description of sexual matters," for example, obscene jokes.  

The word can be used in other instances but this is the connotation for our context in this article.

It could be that we subconsciously assimilate obscene thoughts that in turn spill out of our hearts and mouths.  Be aware of the different areas in which a person can 'pick up' such infectious infiltrations of our spirits and souls.

Language is one such way when we hear and/or tell lewd jokes or in the telling of stories of sexual matters.  Pornography is the graphic, visual infusion through explicit description or display of sexual organs and/or activity.  These are intended to stimulate sexual excitement and are dangerously addictive even to those who may deem themselves "strong Christians".  Music is known as a quicker way to learn things.  Words chosen for lyrics set to music even for "innocent" 'song and dance' often combine and create obscene displays.  Television, movies, today's reels and video clips, and dirty jokes are other avenues of absorbing obscene smut.

The way a person may walk in an exaggerated fashion, in sexually salacious motions even with hand signaled gestures or winks with they eyes, can give off sexual meanings and vibes.  No doubt one can see how serious this issue is, especially for those of us who take the name of Jesus with us.

Profanity is often added to this scene, which indicates

 "a contempt and irreverence and disrespect for a divinity or something sacred". 
 In our case here, we're talking about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, God's Word and our life of Christian living that should be Christlike.

It's God's name, even in Old Testament times that was, and still is, the most common object of profanity.  Let us not loosen our personal restrictions by accepting obscene things into our own lives, the lives of our family, nor within the church.  Do not follow society's standards which have grossly slipped and slackened.  

At one time there was more than a modicum of godly form as seen in the Founding Father's who drew up the Declaration of Independance of the USA.  Much of society was still somewhat 'god-fearing' at that time.  Since then, prayer and the Bible have been thrown out and a general turning away from its teaching ensued.  The decayed, rottenness of that society is evident in today's standards; chaos and anarchy are more and more prevalent - just listen to the news.  You'll know.

Many hide behind the American First Ammendment Rights.  These "Rights" have turned into wrongs, as these allow for just any belief and the enabling to share it.  If anyone makes profane and/or obscene remarks about anyone else's beliefs - well that's - on the surface, just fine, too; according to those Rights, that is.  In my opinion, defamation does not make it right to make offensive remarks or jokes, even when the target is something with which you do not agree.  Certainly, a believer in Jesus Christ should be very careful with his or her words, - not just because you may be liable for being sued (especially in the USA) but also because Jesus would not have done so.  Non-believers may not accept our beliefs and  so call us bigots and so on, but God is their Judge.  Let Him deal with that.  We represent Christ; let's give crystal clear imaging.

I don't know about you, but when I hear obscenity and profanity, especially from someone who professes to belong to Christ, I cringe.  Like Lot, who in many ways brought it upon himself by choosing to live in Sodom and Gomorrah, and who in 2 Peter 2:7-8, was declared a 'righteous man," who "distressed," and "tormented" his soul by immersing himself in that society.  He was a good, moral man who reacted as he should have - with cringes.  Let us also react similarly but be wise and extract ourselves from such pollutant associations as much as possible.  We can be in the world but not of it.  Brothers and sisters-in-Christ, guard your hearts and minds (John 17:16-27 and 1 John 2:15-17).

This perculates down to keeping our own speech and appetites from careless words.  Realize that we will give account of them on the day of judgment.  Part of guarding against unwholesome talk is to train oneself to think and say only what is, 

"helpful for building others up according to their needs..." (Ephesians 4:29).  

Consider and examine our speech for that which is obsecene and rid ourselves of the coarse language.  Remember, it is most often proud and wicked people who have no room for God, who will use obscene language and talk.

Let us NOT use our tongues for curses and blessings.  Use words that are consistant with speaking Christlike words of grace, healing and benefit for others (1 Perer 2:1; Psalm 10:4, 7; James 3:8-12 and Colossians 4:6).  Our character can depict a fairly accurate estimate by the way we speak.  Let us speak God-pleasing words, fellow people of God.

Dig into the Bible more.  

The Bible may not use the word "pornography" but it speaks of it.  This illicit sexual behavior is noted as belonging to wicked, depraved, people, who are impure and especially improper for someone who calls themself "a follower of Jesus Christ," to be involved in.  Even though pornography is not active sexual relations with another person, God still considers it as active.  Jesus said,

"But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (Matthew 5:28-29).

This reminds me of the vow Job took.  He said, 

"I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman" (Job 31:1 NIV).

Job was a righteous man, full of integrity.  In this we can follow his exemplary example.

We can be blameless and pure children of God by avoiding entertainment, whether from movies, reels and the like, or from obscene music.  Let's not tarnish or damage our testimony, rather aim for that perfection of utmost holiness.  What goes into a person does not defile him or her - only what comes out.  However, what we allow in will affect what comes out if we are not on our guard (Matthew 15:1).

Music lyrics, dirty jokes and body gestures, as mentiond earlier, will impact us.  We, therefore, need to be very wary and alert against all these so that the words spoken by one who professes to belong to Jesus Christ will avoid even "a hint of obscenity," "foolish talk" and/or "sexual immorality" (Ephesians 5:3-4).  These are acts of the sinful nature, do not generate them even "for fun".  Run away.  Draw near to God, instead and He'll draw near to you.  Allow noble, true, praiseworthy thoughts, and words and gestures be your norm so they turn into beneficial helps for others and honor and give glory to our loving heavenly Father.

The question now is, what should moral upright people of God do about all this?  What are some practical solutions to pre-empt a habit of using obscenity and/or to break a habit thereof?

First, we can "muzzle it"!  That is, make a similar covenant or vow with our hearts, minds, and mouths, like Job did with his eyes.  Oh, maybe we need to do so with our eyes too.  Look at what David wrote in Psalm 39:1 (NIV).

"I said, "I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin; I will put a muzzle on my mouth, as long as the wicked are in my presence."

Huh!  Maybe we should continue to wear our covid masks to remind us of this.  All jesting aside, the word 'commitment' came to mind as I wrote out the verse.  Commitment and perseverence if we are truly sincere in wanting to be rid of obscenity from our lives and mouths.

This leads us to other verses that are likely familiar to most of us, in Ephesians and Colossians - the "put off..." and the "put on" verses.  Oh, there's even one "put to death...whatever belongs to the sinful, earthly nature."

Look at the before and after pictures of these verses.  Read straight from your own Bibles, Ephesians 4:17-29 and Colossians 3:1-11.  Can you see the "put off's" and "put on's"?

"Put off old self"..."Put on new self".  The new self is being

 "renewed in knowledge in the image of the Creator."
  Since we are "new creation" in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), we can and should relinquish our old ways and put on the new towards greater Christlikeness.  For instance, doing useful things to help build up ourselves, others; watching what we say and setting our hearts and mind on things above.  The more we sincerely do so, the less the old ways will present themselves, and the more we will be holy and please the Lord.

We have the Holy Spirit's empowering so don't have to go it alone.  In these ways we can stop our mouths from uttering obscenity, breaking and putting off the old habits of cursing, swearing and uttering other evil things.

These points cannot be belabored too much; we children of God really need to "get it"!  All these "puttings off and puttings on are essential.  Reject the unholy, remove ourself as much as possible from

 "bad company, which corrupts good character" (1 Corinthians 15:33).

 Put on the true, noble, right, noteworthy, pure and so on that is part and parcel of heart guarding SOP.  Our hearts and minds work together to produce what we say or do.  Let us be holy and blameless, a blessing for others, as well as for our own ears and actions.  These should indeed, be among our goals in all of this.  Here's some more to ponder on and take action.

"...Strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man" (Acts 24:16 NIV).

We will have favor with God although men may persecute us for our holy testimony.  That is part of "bearing our cross" for our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

As we... 

"...discern what is best and become more pure and blameless until the day of Christ" (Philippians 1:10),

 ...we will also avoid causing others to stumble.  We are commanded in this to NOT be a perpetrator of unholiness in others (1 Corinthians 10:32).  Serious matter!

In closing, when we practice fasting permanently from obscenity, we will inculcate the habit of speaking more pure and holy words, and guarding our hearts.  Removing ourselves from environments that would pulsate with obscenity, and turning rather to occupations that would be wholesome, such as reading large daily chunks of God's Word in one go; communing with our Heavenly Father in prayer and praise, will help us bulwark against the evil which so easily besets us.

May we bow our heads and hearts to God our Maker, Redeemer, Friend and become ever more holy as He is holy.

                                                              ~ERC 2022~

Based on a Study Guide by Rob harbison; Moral issues Facing the Church, Lesson 9.


The New Collins International Dictionary of the English Language

Review all Bible verse references given above.

Sing, A Pure Heart, along with the Daaca Family.

Prayer - Deliver Us


Father God, thank-You that You will instruct willing hearts in "the ways they should choose" (Psalm 24:12).  You don't force these ways upon us, You leave this choice up to us, yet they are designated as what we "should choose".  In your great mercy and graciousness, You do "release my [our] feet from the snares" (Psalm 25:15) we get ourselves entangled in, when we choose our own ways instead of those we "should".

If it were not for You, oh Abba Father, where would we be?  Deliver us, deliver us, deliver us from all our troubles especially those we bring upon ourselves.   Your children, forever look up to You, to be guided by Your Word and Your Holy Spirit until Jesus comes to bring us to glory.  May Your name be revered and made holy in our hearts and minds, wills and actions.  My our hearts continue to yearn to know Yours.  In Jesus' Name I pray.

                                                         ~ERC  August 2022~

Based on Psalm 25 NIV.

Book Review - Black Victorians - By Keshia N. Abraham & John Woolf - Publication Date: 15 September 2022


These heros of the past who have been  mostly swept under the proverbial carpet - hidden from us, are finally getting to see the light of day.  Prejudices were alive and  sickeningly well back in the Victorian times as they are  even now.  I learned so much from these courageously valiant black men and  women who persevered against all odds and despite the constant rejection of their personages and talents due to their skin tones.  To know so many did push through shows their resilience and determination in so many areas such as in the music world, art, entertainment and  even, and especially, in the activism of the abolitionists and anti-slavery advancement movements.

This book has been written by a white man about the black plight but I believe he has credence if you see the extensive bibliography list of references from whence he must have done his research and has been kept accountable by a black collaborater, Dr. Keisha N. Abraham.  Additionally, I do not apologize for using the terms 'black' or 'white' either.  As you read Black Victorians, you'll  understand why.

I found this book to be of great interest and have learned so very much.  However, at times I did get bogged down by expoundings although they were  needed.  The reader just has to be patient and digest the wisdom and understanding while reading.  I really was happy to have read this expose and believe all human beings could learn much from these heros such as Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, William Cuffay, Ida B. Wells and so many more.

                                              ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                            May 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Book Review - Fallout - By Carrie Stuart Parks - Publication Date: 13 September 2022

 Governments seem to like to keep certain "projects" hush-hush and either pay off and/or kill certain people to keep them quiet.  This book of fiction has to do with real life issues such as regarding nuclear projects and their fallout.  Who knew that the bad things that were happening were also an extension of fallout!

This was fallout that singed Samantha's (Sam) life, Mary's life and others'.  Young Sam grew up and realized, eventually, that someone was trying to kill her.  Too many strange things were happening around her in her space and sphere - murders, bodies found, unexplained car accidents and more.  It was all like a living jigsaw puzzle and Sam was going to try to fit it together - if she could just stay alive.

This story had me rather engaged and I found it to be mostly intriguing.  Besides being a faith-based narrative, science and history came in to play along with "sneetches".  Ha, ha.  Loved the humor and the Hutterites.  The book ends with several questions to bring out greater awareness of the various issues touched upon - for example, what happened in Hanford in 1987, and so on.

                                        ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                       July 2022

Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and the Thomas Nelson Publisher. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own, given as honestly as possible based on the review copy.

Read review on Goodreads.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Book Review - Worthy of Legend - By Roseanna M. White - Publication Date: 13 September 2022


Camelot, Sir Tristan, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table have been stories with which my grandfather enchanted and enthralled my siblings and me when we were children.  Therefore, Worthy of Legend delighted me to no end - cover to cover.

This particular work of historical fiction is the third in the Isles of Scilly trilogy and encompasses more than history and legends.  It speaks of God's love and mercy, and even has warnings of judgment, which I suppose not everyone would like to hear about but is crucial information.  To have such messages threaded throughout the story is a big plus and bonus for me to read.  I was very pleased with how authoress Roseanna M. White expressed and developed these themes that are close to my heart as well.

The book's prologue is set in 1651 somewhere in the Isles of Scilly, with John the Pirate and his well loved wife Lizza.  Lizza finds  and rehides an artifact so her husband won't find it - she has her reasons.  The story then takes us fast forward to 1906, on those same Isles where we meet our heroine Lady Emily Scofield, Lord Telford, Oliver, Beth, Libby, Sheridan, Nigel and other good and not so good guys.  They all have interest in finding pirate treasure, some of which is connected to the Legends of King Arthur's Court.

The story ends in finding that treasure that is "worthy of legend," and more.  There  is mystery, there is ruthlessness, there is romance.  I love the interpersonal relationships among the very good friends - the camaraderie and how new relationships develop and grow.  All round, I found myself very pleased and satisfied, or maybe not satisfied because I was sorry to see the good, clean, fun narrative's end.  Five star salute to this well-accomplished authoress!

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                              April 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent to me by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - Keeping Records

People keep all sorts of records.  Teachers keep records of assignments to be taught and of the students achievements therein; banks keep ledgers of all the debit and credit, and bottom lines of customers; hospitals keep records of births and deaths and the law keeps records of prisoners' crimes and misdemeaners.  These records mostly never go away and can be either noteworthy or blots and stains that cling to the doer of the deeds.

God keeps a record of those who come to Christ.  The Bible calls it "The Book of Life".  There are also scrolls of peoples' sins that will be presented at Judgment Day to be read to each individual who did not accept Jesus Christ as Savior just before they are sent to the prison of eternal punishment in Hell (Revelation 20:11-15).

However, the record God does NOT keep are those sins of those who become His child through Jesus Christ.  We find our forgiveness in Him.  Like the psalmist's prayer,

"If You, LORD, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand?  But with You there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence serve You" (Psalm 130:3, 4 NIV).

Brothers and sisters-in-Christ, we have the luxury of basking in these thoughts, because in God's eyes the record of our sins has been totally blotted out.  He remembers our sin no more (Hebrews 8:12).  Our repentance brought us forgiveness.  Come, let us put our hope in the LORD.  Why?  Due to His "unfailing love" and "full redemption".

We can be assured because it was Jesus Himself who redeemed sinners from all their sins, blots out even the record of them, makes us holy in God's sight and calls us "saints".  Oh, how the grace of God exonorates each one who accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  Praise His holy name that the only record He keeps is the one with your name in His Book of Life!

As Lord's Day begins and we gather together to remember our Lord and Savior in His death and resurrection, praise Him that your record of sin has been blotted out and for the recording of your name in the Book of Life.  Pass the broken bread, partake, giving thanks.  Drink with a grateful heart, of the cup of wine, representing that which washed away your sins - the precious blood of Christ.

What a wonderful record of what the Lord has done for me, for you, for the "whosoever".  Go forth then in reverence, and serve Him!

Oh, and for the record...He loves you!

                                                          ~ERC  July 2022~

Based on Psalm 130 and Roamans 8:1-2.

Sing, What Can Wash Away My Sins, along with the Broward Church, FL.

Women Who Proclaim It

"The Lord announced the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng" (Psalm 68:11 NIV).

Normally we think of men or even angels proclaiming God's announcements - but women?!  Who ever heard of that!?

It is of great interest to me to read about the LORD announcing something and then the women going out and proclaiming it!  I actually am having to realign my thinking in this regard.  My church upbringing barricades me against such possibilities.

Read the verse again.

Isn't it astonishing to you?!

You see, most of the judges and prophets in the Old Testament were men.  Angels were mostly referred to as 'he's' or 'him's'.  Over in the New Testament, we have the 12 male disciples cum apostles.  Then in Paul's epistles, there's the criteria of elders, deacons, and bishops delineating such instruction as

 "the husband of one wife" [emphasis mine].

If that's to be, then one deduces that it's only the brothers who get to have such roles of authority and responsibility.  Otherwise, it would have also said, "the wife of one husband".  What? 

The male thought is perpetuated because most of Paul's companions and mentee's were male.  So can you see how the verse surprized me?

And it talks about "a mighty throng" of women (YouVersion NIV phone app), or from the ESV "great host" of women.  My actual 'hard copy" NIV Bible says, "great was the company..."  It was not just a one off woman at random.  It sounds like a multitude of them!

Yet, once one stops to think, we can enumerate the women of the Bible who did get to proclaim God's announcements.  There was Deborah the Judge in the Old Testament (Judges 4); Huldah, a prophetess (2 Kings 22:15); Miriam, Moses's sister, was also considered a prophetess (Exodus 15).  Flip over to the New Testament and you'll find the widow Anna, the elderly woman who accosted Mary and Joseph when they brought Jesus as a baby to the Temple (Luke 2:36-38).  Jumping back again to Sarah, Hannah, Abigail and Esther of the Old Testament, who are also considered to have been prophetesses.  These women all spoke for God.

We are all familiar with Mary who was given the priviledge and task of one of the most electrifying messages of all times.  Jesus told her to go and tell His rather depressed disciples that He was alive.  So she ran to tell them, "Jesus is alive!'  Of course, we also know they didn't believe her.

Priscilla, Aquila's wife, is usually mentioned first before her husband.  However, together, they sought to teach Apollos the Word of God more accurately and bring him up-to-date on things (Acts 18:18-28).  This couple even risked their lives for Paul's benefit!

Another woman who makes me smile is Phoebe.  She was a deacon!  Or, should that be 'deaconess'?  A deacon in the Cenchrea Church.  Although it doesn't specifically mention she proclaimed God's words, she did 'act' them and thus presented a testimony of Christ, as she was "a benefactor of many people..." (Romans 16:1-5).

A female deacon.  This is liberating news!

The role of proclaiming was not necessarily pulpit ministry status, I suppose, yet God's message was delivered through these and other faithful godly women of God.

Sisters-in-Christ, let us be encouraged by each of these examples, to join this mighty throng of female heralds, to send out our Heavenly Father's message to the people in our sphere of influence, whether small or great.  Let us be always faithful to Him.

Again, as the verse reads,

"The LORD announces the word and the women who proclaim it are a might throng" (Psalm 68:11).

Thank-You, Father God for such a gift and priviledge, that we women, can also be part of a great company of others who proclaim your good news.  

In Jesus' Name, we give you thanks and praise.

                                                 ~ERC  August 2022~

Based on Psalm 68:11 NIV.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Book Review - Beekeepers and What They Do - By Liesbet Slegers - Publication Date: 6 September 2022


Children will enjoy learning the 'buzz' about tthe beekeepers' job with this short but sweet explanation.  There are cute and colorful illustrations and diagrams, which add helpful insight into the life and times of bees, as well as the beekeepers.

I believe this book would make a good, educational gift for birthdays, special events in a child's life or even for Christmas.  Who knows, it could even spark interest in the child's life and turn a hobby into an eventual unique career.

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                       September 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Book Review - Come Down Somewhere - By Jennier L. Wright - Publication Date: 6 September 2022


Olive's story of 1944 events in Alamagorde, New Mexico, leading up to the Manhatten Project's atomic bomb testing, intertwines and runs parellel with Jo's in 1952, in this dual story line.  The literal and figurative 'fallout' had far-reaching repercussions not just in Japan, but right there in the "Jornada del Muerto' niche of Olive and Jo's world.  Enemies who became dubious friends, and allies that could not be trusted as far as the countries could throw them.  It hurt even when close relatives like a mother or a father appeared to have rejected and abandoned them, or for the government to exploit it's own trusting people.  Then, watch out for the sheep in wolf's clothing.  All was not as it seemed and all this under the eyes of Jesus, at church.  

This sobering historical fiction does have its lighter moments and is obviously based on true events.  The narrative also has the girls-turned-women, grappling with faith in God.  I really liked how that turned out even as the unfairness seeped and settled like a dark, cold mantle upon the town and surrounding region in the post WWII years.

The author of this tale, Jennifer L. Wright, has certainly captured the hush-hush of cover up of 'secret weaponry'  and spies, now bringing awareness to those who would listen to her message of advocacy as they read this thought-provoking story.  The lives of Olive and Jo rekindle it all, making it 'live' and become vividly real.

                                           ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                            June 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by NetGalley and  Tyndale House Publishers.

Read review on Goodreads.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Which Do You Believe


When we seesaw on the teeter-totter of life we Christians will have ups and downs.  We struggle to live in the purity and holiness God desires and often slip into sin that so easily besets us.  Then we feel shame and want to hide from others and even from God, as did Adam and Eve.  So then when we are down, we get very down and yield to temptations, which lead us further down, loading us with more guilt and shame.

Yet, we need to remember we are not sinners saved by grace.  Rather, we are saints, made so by God at our moment of salvation, saved by grace.  As such, we need to recall that we have "no condemnation" when we are "in Christ" because He remembers our sin, no more.  He is right here beside us, hands out-stretched toward each of us, ready to forgive our latest plummet - when we repentantly confess our latest failure.

When we are down we may feel, oh, "here I go again - what can I expect, I'm like that".  Don't do that, brothers and sisters-in-Christ!  Don't condemn yourselves, cuz God doesn't anymore.

Look up, on the way up.  Yes, I have sinned.  I repent.  Christ forgives.  I'm a child of God - a saint.  I can be free from all the shame.  I'm NOT a failure.  By God's grace I can get free from entanglement from sin because He loves me.  He says to me, "Go and leave your life of sin."  I have!

Which do you choose?  The shame of the teeter-totter life or the set free, shame-free Christian living?  Which will you believe?  Shame?  Freedom?  Choose freedom in Christ.

I know this does not mean one will never sin again but we can be reminded that we belong to Heavenly Father's family and He is there to help us overcome, in Christ and through His Holy Spirit's guidance when we partner together with Him.  In Christ alone put your hope.  He is in the business of lifting us up and setting us on a rock.

Then Christian, let your souls sing, how great and faithful God is!

                                                     ~ERC  July 2022~

Based on YouVersion The Heart of Man Plan, Day 7.

Sing, What a Faithful God Have I.  Song by Heavenly Worship.

Lord's Day Devotion - ONE



Sometimes one of something is not enough.  One chocolate covered candy, one raisin, one peanut - they are definitely not enough.  However,  one of other things are just enough:  one wife; one husband and so on.  

These should be enough because one plus one equals two, and two is company but three is a crowd.  Unless, of course, one plus one makes a wee baby enter the world, making one plus one equal three, or four or more.  One mother and one father, the  best that our one God and Heavenly Father gave, creating one family nucleus.

Speaking of our Heavenly Father...He gave His one and only Son for us - mankind -  that one and only race of human kind.  When we receive salvation through Jesus Christ we become one child of God and part of His one family nucleus.

Now we can talk about one faith.  The gift of faith given for us to believe in Jesus Christ and His redemptive work for us on that one old rugged cross.  We have been saved by our one God's gift of grace and faith (Ephesians 2:8-9).

When individuals accept Jesus Christ as Savior, they receive the indwelling of His one Spirit whom we call the Holy Spirit.  This joins us to the one body of believers called the Church, of which there is only one.  We serve our one Savior whom we need to allow to be Lord in our life.  The one Lord...

Following on from this is our one hope in Him.  He is our hope of eternal salvation and life.  One day we will be with our one God and Heavenly Father - forever (Ephesians 4:4 NIV).

Christians then speak of one baptism.  Jesus gave the injunction to His disciples to baptise new believers, who have been made disciples that believe everything Jesus had commanded them and obeyed these, 

"in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 18:18-20 NIV).

There have been many types of baptism in the past, for example, John the Baptizer's one of repentance and preparation for the coming of Jesus.  Now there is only ONE; that is, this one in the name of the One Father, One Son Jesus and One Holy Spirit.

Our one Christ is enough.  He is enough for salvation.  He is enough for forgiveness of our sins.  He is enough for our everlasting life.  He is enough for us to be in God's family.  He is enough to fill our hearts with His unfailing love, joy, caring and presence.  He is enough for us to love, honor, obey, and serve in purity and truth.

And thus we remember Him in His death and resurrection through the breaking of bread and drinking of the cup of wine, even this Lord's Day.  These symbols bring it all to mind helping us to recall all He has done for us to make us part of His one family.

Fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ let us, with one heart, mind and voice praise Him, the ONE who is enough.

                                                           ~ERC  July 2022~

Based on Ephesians 4:4 NIV.

Sing, One Foundation, along with, Martijn de Groot.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Holy and Chosen Saint

 I think it makes all the difference in the world to realize that when I accepted Jesus Christ as Savior I became NOT and NEVER a "saved sinner," rather, a "saved saint, who yes, messes up."  This is a revised persepctive and a vital one to accept.

God gave us a new heart, His righteousness, "holiness, and cleanliness" in and through the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the blood of the Lamb of God (Jesus).  This happened the moment we accepted Jesus Christ as Savior.

Can you see this?

It's called "justification" - 'just as if I'd never sinned,' as the saying goes.  It's also called "sanctification" - we were made holy and set apart from the unholy.  This according to the costly grace of God and of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Note, the name "Savior" keeps popping up as opposed to Lord and Savior.  This is where the mess up stuff comes in.  We were made saints and given the Holy Spirit.  When we read God's word, listen to and are sensitive to the guidance of the Word and Holy Spirit, obeying - we continue to live holy lives.  When we ignore - then we mess up; often BIG time.

If we keep calling ourselves saved sinners we identify ourselves by our sin, so that when we do mess up, we say, "What did I expect!"  And then we feel so bowed down with guilt and shame and disgust at ourselves.  Things become a vicious  cycle that can drag us deeper into the quagmire because - hey - I'm "just a sinner, saved by grace."

Well, that's true in a sense, however, on the other hand, when we identify ourselves as "made holy" by the blood of the Lamb and God's grace, don't you believe that this gives a better perspective?  This even if you are currently in a major foul up?

Yes, Jesus is with us even in the midst of our sexual affairs and sins; addictions and constant set backs, as He is with us.  The Holy One - our Savior!  Is He demanding you stop what you are doing?  Or, is He, the One with the full, complete and holy heart of love, gazing at you, the one He died on the cross for - to make you holy as He is holy - gazing with compassion and grace and tender loving care.  Does this melt your/our hearts?

Does this remind us that we were "made holy" and sanctified, that we are a "new creation" in Christ?  This is a wonderful verse to meditate upon in this context we're talking about,

"God made Him [Jesus] who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21 NIV).

Because of this work of salvation and redemption, there is,

" no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1-2 NIV).

"No condemnation!"

Aren't those the best words to hear our Savior say?  The verse continues,

"...because through Jesus Christ the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death."

"Set free!"

Our chains are broken.  Our chains are gone!  Life in the Holy Spirit - walking in step with Him aids and abets our holy walk and helps us up out of our miry pit of self-destruction.  This is making our Savior Jesus, also our Lord.  Our Lord and Master so that our lusts and greeds do not overtake us and make themselves our lord and master instead!

God's love constrains us and helps us maintain our holy living.  When we mess up, we remind ourselves, "Jesus made me holy,  I am a saint."

This of course, not in a proud way but from mindful and grateful hearts.  We had nothing to do with making ourself such a saint - it was all by faith and the grace of God - both gifts of God, as is our holiness.  Can you hear your Lord and Savior Jesus say,

"Go and leave your life of sin" (John 8:11)?

He's right there beside you in all your current muddle.  He's looking at you in love.  Respond by accepting His loving hand of help to lift you up and out, to repent and receive the forgiveness.  He does not condemn.  Satan does.  He wants you to see yourself as His holy and  chosen one.  Believe this truth.  You are a saint, saved by grace.


                                                       ~ERC  July 2022~

Based on YouVersion Devotional Plan - The Heart of man Reflection Questions - If you believe that you received a shame-free identity the moment you put your hope in Jesus, what difference would it make?  Even now, after your most recent failure?

Sing, Saved by Grace Alone.  when you listen to the words of this song, let the tears of gratitude flow and stream forth.  Sing along with, Whitewell Metropoltan Tabernacle Belfast, Northern Ireland