Tuesday, October 5, 2021

What's in the Wind?

 There was a "mighty rushing of wind".  It "filled the entire house."  It was to be the Pentcost of all Pentacosts for those believers sitting there.  They didn't sit for long though.

The Holy Spirit filled them.  They must have popped right down those stairs and out into the throngs of people.  They

 "began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance".

Devout Jewish men had gathered from "every nation under heaven" whose mother tongues were not necessarily Hebrew, Greek or Latin.  Their native languages were from places such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, Libya, Arabia and Rome, to name a few.  How was it they could undestand, in their own tongues, the mighty works of God"?

Isn't this truly amazing and astounding especially since the men telling out this good news in the various known languages were deemed Galileans and therefore supposed "unlearned"!?  Our God works wonders!  All made possible through the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit Who had come to indwell them; comfort and guide them.

Wind is a symbol of the breath of God.  God had breathed into Adam's nostrils the "breath of life" at his creation.  Now the "wind" came again, breathing new life into the apostles and other disciples present that momentus day.

Have you "felt the wind" of the Holy Spirit's workings in your life?  Come to faith in Jesus Christ and You will have the Holy Spirit indwelling.  He aids and abetts the believer in this life on earth.  He comforts, convicts, guides and directs.  His presence is with us.

Maybe we do or do not suddenly speak in other languages not our own mother tongue (how wondrous that would be), but this power is at work within us and can manifest in this or other ways.  May we all realize God's almighty rushing wind and be filled and bask in His presence.

Sit and be with Him.

You never know what He wants to tell you.  You never know what's in the wind.  He'll pleasantly surprize you.  May we each "feel His wind" and have our own personal pentacost.  May there indeed be revival within us and through us out to others so they too, may know Jesus Christ as Savior and His wondrous working power, personally.

                                                    ~ERC  August 2021~

Based on Acts 2 (ESV)

Sing, Breathe on Us, with Kari Jobe

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