Monday, October 25, 2021

Book Review - Digital Black Feminism - By Catherine Knight Steele - Publication Date: 26 October 2021

Digital Black feminist ladies forge forward using their own survival strategies to nab center stage position, not as a "sub-group" of the white suffragette victories, but in their own rite for their own rights and place to breathe and grow.  My eyes were opened to what I believe is a movement in which these ladies are of digital Black feminists, moved by digital Black feminists, for digital Black feminists, moving and shaking the 'cast aside' place and making inroads and grip, "stitching together" a safer niche of world for themselves.  Women who think, who strive, who succeed for themselves and not on the behalf or for benefit of others.  These ladies are popping up in all echelons of "beauty shops;" literally and figuratively.

This is certainly a thought-provoking discourse on how Black women are using digital means to move forward for themselves.  The author, Catherine Knight Steele, sets up her research in thesis form with many convincing proofs of data she has collected over the course of several years.  Therefore, I believe this contention is a methodical, comprehensive representation on behalf of the digital Black feminists, meant to disrupt 'norm' fossilized thinking.

Due to the very academic style, and perhaps because this reviewer in not Black, it is at times challenging to fully understand the depths of the thoughts, conflicts and world of these valient, often overlooked, women, as presented in this dissertation.  The good news, according to this eye-opening treatise, is that progress is being made and is sticking.  May they continue to have more such successes and greater understanding, empathy and standing tall among folk, men or women, of whatever color.  Find a copy, read and learn how it's all panning out.

                                             ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                        September 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by Netgalley and the publisher.

Read Book Review on Goodreads.

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