Friday, October 22, 2021

Anointed Pillow Pillar


There was Abraham, there was Isaac and then, there was Jacob.  What a character!  A deceitful conniver but he did have a spark of God-consciousness about him.  He had to be prompted though!  He had not yet overcome his selfishness and greed to fully get to the altar building and God worshiping part as did his father and grandfather, yet.

He had his "famous" Jacob's Ladder dream with the angels of God going up and down on it; Earth to Heaven.  Imagine that in today's terms - perhaps like a boy thrilled with escalator travel, going up the down and down the up.

Anyway, Jacob did get God's message, that He would be with him.  He awoke and turned his rock pillow into a pillar, and anointed it, dubbing it, "Bethel" - House of God.  We are not told that he worshiped God here but he did promise an oath to give God a tenth of all he gained if God would look after him in his exile.  After twenty years spent in 'exile' at his Uncle Laban's, Jacob had become a wealthy man but still a conniver.

He had also gained wives, children and concubines in addition to all his wealth of livestock and so on.  He returned to his own country - conniving a peace offering to appease his brother Esau.  Happily, he met his father Isaac who was old, but still kicking.  Sadly, his mother Rachel had died in the interim.  He still did not initiate building an altar and worshiping the LORD; at least, not that is mentioned.

God had to tell him to do it.  God had to remind him of his vow of tithing.  He had to go back to the place - Bethel - the House of God; that place Jacob had dedicated to the LORD.

To his credit, Jacob did go, and brought his whole family.  He knew enough that they all had to rid themselves of their "foreign gods" and to "purify" themselves.  Only then did they go and this time Jacob is seen building an altar to God in thanksgiving for God's care over him throughout his time away.

It's cool that Jacob and God did have a special relationship though.  When you go to Genesis 46, they're having another conversation.  God is reassuring Jacob of his blessing upon him and that He will go down to Egypt with him to see Joseph but He will also bring him back to the land of Canaan.

Incidentally, in Genesis 33 we do see Jacob building an altar of his own accord.  The spark had sparkled in Paddan Aram.  He named his altar, "El Elohi Israel" (mighty is the God of Israel).  He had made God his "Personal God".

When an individual comes to Jesus Christ, he or she, makes Jesus, their "Personal Savior".  We each need Him.

At the end of his life when he was dying, Jacob blessed Joseph's sons.  That is when we finally see him worshiping God leaning upon his staff (Hebrews 11:21); life fully surrendered.  Conniving ceased.

When we reflect upon our own lives and our journey with the Lord, have we come to that place too?  Victory in Christ, through faith in Him making Him our Savior as well as Lord.  Giving thanks, worshiping Him.  Offering our tithes.  Dying in peace.  BUT ... but don't wait until you are on you deathbed.  No one can guarantee you actually get that "priviledge".  

May the fruit of the Holy Spirit be seen in each of us followers of Jesus Christ throughout our whole lifetime in more than a spark and flicker here and there.  Find a pillow and make a pillar to commemorate and remind ourselves of God's intervention and care over us and of our convictions to serve, honor and glorify Him.  Let us be found worshiping Him regularly in thanksgiving.  Anoint your pillar with the oil of joy in the Lord, verbally, with our finances and in service to Him.

                                                    ~ERC  August 2021~

Based on Genesis 28; 35 and 46; Hebrews 11:21.

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