Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Pulpiteer's Trumpet Call (Prayer)

 Father God, many people don't believe one should "toot their own horn," so on behalf of preachers and teachers of Your word and the gospel of Jesus Christ, may this "little talk with You" be a benediction upon those spiritual leaders in the congregations of Your children, worldwide.

We often pray for missionaries and their work in foreign countries but neglect those of Your servants on our own doorstep.  I want to call them the "pulpiteers" and this is a trumpet call of encouragement and uplift for those who faithfully feed and shepherd Your flock on a regular basis on the homefront.

Abba Father, You sent Jesus upon the earth to redeem the souls of mankind and we thank and praise You from the bottom of our hearts.  Jesus was also a teacher of Your will and ways, teaching the hordes of people in word pictures they could easily relate to and understand.  His words convicted many and angered many, especially the religious leaders.  No doubt these similar reactions come from that spoken from the multitudinous numbers of pulpits around the world.  

These speakers need our prayers, love and support.  Help each "pulpiteer" to speak as Your Son Jesus spoke - with courage and boldness, straight to the ears, minds and hearts of their congregants.  May their words be Spirit-filled and therefore as sunlight and showers of rain blessings, watering the spiritual lives of their hearers, sprouting up with flourishing growth therein.

Thank-You for the speakers in _________ (reader, name your specific church/assembly), for their willingness to speak for You.  I pray specifically for _________ (name each individual who speaks from the pulpit in your church and/or small gatherings).  May these pulpiteers be mighty men and women of God, filled with Your Holy Spirit.  May they be marked by integrity, faithfulness, and be steadfast in their faith.  May there be no fakers among them.

Give them renewed strength as they spend quality time communing with You and meditating upon Your Word, so that their preaching and teaching will not be ritual meaningless duty and drivel that sounds good to "itching ears" but rather be from the depths of their own hearts, birthed from personal soul-searching, encapsulating their words spoken forth with the clarion ring of sincerity and truth.  May their messages be relevant to their hearers and bring great conviction and revival.

Again, may these pulpiteers be strong and courageous as You told Joshua of old to be.  Thus, to speak the truth with love so that the hearers will be convicted and motivated by Your Holy Spirit to not just be hearers, but to take appropriate action to grow in their spiritual lives to become more Christ-like and especially to draw closer to You, Father (James 1:22-24; Matthew 4:23-5:2).

If any of these speakers feel they lack wisdom as to what to convey to their listeners or even how to deal with their own family (or church) issues, may they seek You and Your wisdom.  Your word says that You give wisdom freely and without reproach.  May they be encouraged to always ask of You without any reticence (James 1:5).

By seeking Your direction may their own spirits be renewed and refreshed.  May many souls be added to Your kingdom due to the messages spoken through the dynamic power and authority of Your Holy Spirit rippling through these pulpiteers' anointed mouths and lips.

We know Your steadfast love never ceases.  Let these pulpiteers and their families know Your presence and love which surrounds and blankets them.  Bless and keep them in Your will and ways due to this envelope of love.  May they each have fruitful lives for you.

May they each be kept faithful to You through whatever storms of life hit them.  Send encouragers to them so they know they are not alone.  Yes, we know there is none like You Father but I know You are gracious, kind, loving and also work in tandem with Your other "children" and even use them to help one another, poor and feeble though we many be.

Raise up more "mouth-pieces," sanctifying and anointing their lips too, with Your power and authority.  Combined with all the other pulpiteers, may great revival come to this world so that all nations and peoples will extol and praise You, oh LORD God (Psalm 117).

Thank-You for the many and varied sacrifices these preachers and teachers of Your Word make for You and on their hearers behalf to bring Your Words of life to the rest of us

This trumpet call goes up to You Father, in the most precious name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

Praise the Lord.

                                                       ~ERC May 2021~

Sing Pastor's Song by Donna Jackson

Clergy Appreciation (10 October 2021)

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