Monday, October 18, 2021

Book Review - Notable Native People - By Adrienne Keene - Publication Date: 19 October 2021


This book is so crammed full of many notable native people it's difficult to choose a favorite.  All have accomplished great things in their particular gifting and/or skill, often spending a lifetime of commitment to them for the sake of teaching and/or benefiting others.  Some are artists, filmmakers, beadwork makers; linguists (Sequoyah was pretty cool); carvers, activists, dancers, basket makers, educators, advocates of their causes and more.

All have a common goal, or actually a two-faceted goal.  One facet is to educated their younger generations to know and appreciate their Native culture and traditions, and to stand up for their Native rights.  The other is to give more accurate representation to non-Native people of their Native ways and history; to give knowledge, understanding and insight, which in turn, will hopefully impact the non-Native peoples into infinitely better treatment of the Native peoples with justice, kindness and respectful dignity.

It struck me that many of these notable native people are so environmentally caring, passing this deep desire to protect the land, not just for themselves, but for Earth, in general.  I have learned much but am aware I've only just scratched the surface.  We non-Native people have much more to learn.

                                              ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                          September 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by the publisher.

See Book Review on Goodreads

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