Friday, October 8, 2021

Before It's Too Late


Noah's Ark with all his family and the creatures within landed; bump! and perched atop Mt. Ararat.  Nowadays Mt. Ararat is 5,137 meters high.  Not sure how high it was back in Noah's millenia but it is referred to as, "a mountain".

Try to imagine the ark resting there when the floods had receded, the land had dried and new foliage growth had sprouted and garnished the forests and plains.  If anyone had survived outside of that ark, which from the Bible account, we deduce they didn't, since the LORD God had declared afterwards,

"Never again will I destoy all living creatures as I have done" (Genesis 8:21 (NIV),

just picture it anyway.

They would have looked w-a-a-y up and have seen it there; clear, as clear as can be, they'd have seen it.  It was a beacon to the tragedy and pain inflicted upon God's heart by the wickedness of mankind, yet showing God's mercy in making a way of escape and safety.  If only more than eight souls had entered that ark!  For those others, it was devastatingly, too late.

Let us followers of Jesus Christ be that beacon of light and guidance to Jesus, the Savior, not just in this COVID era, but for all time.  The "flood" of God's judgement is coming.  Be there for those who haven't yet put their faith and trust in Jesus.  May they see each of us children of God, as clear as clear as can be.  Be still before the Lord, learn from Him and be the light we should be.

May the lost souls come before it is forever, devastatingly, to late, for them.

                                                   ~ERC  August 2021~

Sing Here I am to Worship with Michael W. Smith

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