Friday, October 29, 2021

Lapis Lazuli Moments

 An ancient treasured gem, lapis lazuli,* was incoporated into the priestly breastplate of the High Priest of the Israelites.  It was one among twelve precious stones.

It's bluish in color but that sounds so mundane to say it like that.  It must have been absolutely stunning (Exodus 28:18 NIV).

What caught my attention was the earlier mention of lapis lazuli back in chapter 24 of Exodus and verse 10 (NIV).  The God of Israel was standing on pavement, yes, that's right, pavement of lapis lazuli, "as bright blue as the sky," so Moses recorded.  At least, he said, it looked something like it.  That would blow you away, wouldn't ya think?

There were many witnesses to this too, besides Moses.  Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and 70 elders of Israel saw it.  It must have been a most spectacular sight! It does get honorable mention but the true awesomness was that they got to see "the God of Israel"!  This gem combined with the others was one small token of how they could relate to what the glory of God's presence embodied.

How often we wish to see God with our naked eyes.  At least, I do.

Only certain people and under special conditions were the people of Old Testament times granted such audiences with their God.  This living God not made with hands, was their God.  

His magnificience had unmeasured and untold proportions.  Moses' comparison was "as bright blue as the sky".  Nowadays we can still gaze up into the sky, espeically on an almost cloudless day and see such beauty for ourselves.  A glimpse of God through His creation.

Isn't God amazing!

Mostly those people of old were terrified of God's holy presence.  They usually feared they would die.  Some did when they held God's ways of approach in contempt.

In His mercy and grace, God had invited these men up to 'see' Him.  Yes, He is real!  Yes, they had to approach according to His terms.  When they did, they could "eat and drink" (Exodus 24:11).  Enjoying God's presence and company.  How precious is that!

God communing with His human beings.  This is what He always desires.  We saw it in the Garden of Eden when He'd come and walk "in the cool of the day" and commune with Adam and Eve.  We see it in the times of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the incidents of interraction.  He still desires our time with Him like He did when He came among the disciples in the upper room on more than one occasion.  

We often like to quote,

"Where two or three are gathered together there am I in the midst" (Matthew 18:20).

Yet when looked at in context, there had been sin that needed confession.  Jesus said He'd be there.  Two or three witnesses denoted proper witness reference in Jewish law.  Jesus would sanction the repentance and confession and restoration process.  That is vindication.

Holiness. He will be there.

The time of His presence among us I refer to, is more towards that of communing with Him and basking in His presence although knowing His holiness, yet His Fatherly attention and care over us and just enjoying being with us, and us with Him.  It could be that it is just you and Him.

His presence is in and with us through the Holy Spirit and Jesus.  Truly, "lapis lazuli" moments.  Look up at an azure sky and commune with Your Heavenly Father, God.  He desires your company.  Desire His.

I wish you well.

                                                   ~ERC  August 2021~

Based on Exodus 21-30.

*Lapis Lazuli, sometimes called 'sapphire' but there is a difference.  Lapis is softer, thus I suppose was easier manipulated into the High Priest's breastplate.

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