Sunday, October 10, 2021

Esteem God's Holiness


Do we esteem God's love more than God's holiness?  God says, 

"Be holy, as I am holy" (Leviticus 19-20; 1 Peter 1:1-17).

Moses was commanded to take his sandals off when he got too close to the "burning bush" that was not burning.  It was holy ground because Holy God was there.

The Holy of Holies with the mercy seat was sacred ground too.  The High priest could only enter if certain requirements were in place.  He could not simply rush into the presence of God for the sake of so doing.

Isaiah felt his sinfulness in the presence of God's holiness.  Do we?  Do we even enter our living God's presence with bold confidence and remember,

 "Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed (holy) be Thy Name..." (Matthew 6:9-13)?  

If we do, we won't be flippant.  We will humbly bow before Him in contrition, repenting and confessing our sins.  We will become more holy in our Christian living.

Peter was so smacked and smitten by his sinfulness in the presence of Jesus, Son of God, the Holy One of Israel, he put his clothes on, jumped into the sea and swam ashore and then asked Jesus to leave him.  Peter found it so very difficult by the contrast of Jesus' holiness up against his sinful nature.  

Be holy as He is holy.  Be repentant.  Make your confessions and come before our Heavenly Father with, 

"...hallowed be Thy Name" 

imprinted upon our minds, hearts and upon our lips.

Esteem God's holiness equally and perhaps even more than, His love, which also knows no bounds.  "Holy" is His Name.  Let Him govern your life of holiness before Him; in His presence.

Take off your shoes.

Bow before Him, revere Him.  Be holy as He is. 

 Cry out,

"Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty."

                                                         ~ERC  August 2021~

Sing, Holy, Holy, Holy, with Audrey Assad

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