Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Generational Rifts


Rifts are rife in the Bible.  Adam and Eve disobeyed God; they'd sinned.  That there was the first colossal rift divulged between God and His human creatures.  Adam and Eve blamed each other for what happened, passing the buck on to each other and even, Adam to God and Eve to the serpent.  That's the second rift.  Catastrophic consequnces ensued.

Cain and Abel's rift ended in murder and was the third major rift recorded.  Let's move on to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to peer at some more infamous rifts.

In Abraham's time, there was rift between Sarah and her handmaid Hagar.  The rift extended to their sons Isaac and Ishmael, although we do see them in brotherly mourning at Abraham's graveside (Genesis25:9).  Today, there is still unpleasantness, to say the least, between the current generations of their offspring.

Isaac had twin sons, Esau and Jacob.  We know the kafluffle that favoritism caused in the boys' lives.  There was rift between Isaac and Rebekah which initiated the breach.  Isaac favored Esau while Rebekah championed Jacob.

The rift between the twins was such a gulf that Esau intended to murder Jacob.   Later on there had been some healing of this rift  when Jacob had come back from his 'exile'.  However, judging from his own conniving heart, Jacob did not fully trust Esau and went off to live elsewhere.

The parallel between Isaac and Ishmael with Esau and Jacob  (aka Israel), is that at their father Isaac's death, they were both at the graveside (Genesis 35:29).  Something about death brings siblings together...

Until the will is read, but let's not go off on tangant.  It was not an issue with Abrahams' line here.

Jesus' death and resurrection bridges such rifts.  More on this later.

Jacob's wives Leah and Rrachel were also riddled with rift.  Each were jealous of the other especially with the bitter gall of Rachel's being unable to bear a child.  Leah bore sons, bing, bang boom; one right after another.  Rachel, the one more loved, childless, until finally, God opened her womb and forthwith came Joseph and subsequently, Benjamin.

We all know the "explosions" of rift ignited between Joseph and his ten older half brothers.  Favoritism is an incidious thing.  Isaac and Rebekah each had their favorite son in Esau and Jacob respectively.  Then Jacob favored Rachel over Leah.  Jacob favored, and rubbed it in, in his lavishness bestowed upon Joseph, above his other sons.

Would it never end?

Yes, it would and did.  At least it ended with Joseph, in his family that is, and Jacob Israel was instrumental in the healing of these generational peerage rifts; in Israel's prophetic blessings conferred upon Joseph's sons.  Joseph thought it was a mistake but Israel knew God's will and Joseph accepted his father's explanation.

Joseph tested his brothers when they came to Egypt during the severe famine years.  He purposely singled out his "little" brother Benjamin, giving him extra portions and favor.  The brothers wondered in amazement until Joseph revealed who he was.

Later when their father Israel died, Joseph had to reassure his older brothers that he held no malice against them.  He told them he believed that the harm they'd caused him was actually God's sovereign purpose to bring good to their family and the nations of their known world.  It had turned out a blessing.

We could go on and on even more here of so many other rifts stories among Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their families and up to the coming of Jesus Christ.   Since Adam and Eve's time, the rifts had kept coming on to many terrible consequences.  Nevertheless, the worse rift and consequence was the one Adam and Eve created between God and mankind by their disobedience.

Yet God in His great mercy provided a way to the healing of this great divide.  Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life.  Jesus' death and resurrection, as mentioned earlier, provided the way to bridge this rift.  We each must choose to walk that "Bridge" spanning the divide.

This "Bridge" being Jesus.  Jesus, Who paid the price of atonement for our sins gaining access for us into God's presence.  When an individual accepts this rift-healing gift of salvation through Jesus Christ and faith in Him; the relationship is healed.  There can be divine rest in the souls.  Sins' horrible consequences will no longer be able to sting us nor condemn us.

Won't you come to Jesus today and have your rift healed?  Jesus' arms are outstretched just ready and waiting to heal.

"The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23).

Here's another word of comfort from God to especially note,

"There is one mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus" (1 Timothy 2; & 6).

Jesus changes rife rift to restful relationship with God.  

Praise the Lord, we have Jesus! 

                                                    ~ERC August 2021~

Based on Genesis 1-50.

Listen to Healing Songs, country mix of inspirational songs.

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