Saturday, October 16, 2021

No Half Truths


For all his faith and worship of God, Abram operated at times, according to selfish, foolish folly.  How could he have told half truths about his wife and put her in danger only to preserve his own life?  What kind of person does stuff like that?!

Didn't the fact that if God had asked him to leave his life of comfort in Ur of the Chaldeans and venture forth to the great unknown, that He would take care of those scary "what if's"?

Pharoah of Egypt and then King Abimelech were astounded at Abrahams' audacious studpidity.  Again, I ask, what kind of husband would conspire to put his wife in such danger?  Abraham's actions put so many at risk and harm, actually; very possible potential violation of Sarah; closed wombs of royalty and maidservants; how he wronged the innocent, unsuspecting rulers and their people.

Abraham did this twice!  Incidently, if you read further into Genesis, Abraham's son Isaac did the same dastardly 'trick'!  Like father, like son.

Yes, there are times, such as during persecutions that a believer may have to omit certain details to protect others.  However, I feel that is a different matter than Abraham and Isaac's types of not so "white lies".  Whom do we think we are protecting?  I don't know about you but I absolutely HATE being lied to!  Let's all take warning from these stories that half truths and outright lies do hurt and harm others, often resulting in grave consequences.  No matter how faith-filled one may be in other areas of our lives, beware, take heed, lest we fall and take others with us.

Seek God and His care and protection in uncertain situations; well, at all times, really.  I had a junior high school teacher who liked to say, "Tell the truth and shame the devil."   I'd like to tweak that and say, "Tell the truth and honor Jesus who is Truth."  If we are followers of Jesus Christ, let us speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  May our child of God testimony and faith in His care over us be pure and upright in God's eyes.  So help us, God.

                                                   ~ERC  August 2021~

Based on Genesis 11-20 NIV.

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