Saturday, October 16, 2021

Dig For Yourself


What's with Isaac and Abraham's 'thing' with altars and wells?  Like father, like son too, in this good thing.  We saw in He Built Altars, that Abram built altars at various points in time in his life and "called on" and "worshiped the LORD".

Isaac, the son who'd brought laughter and joy to the hearts of Abraham and Sarah in their old age, watched, listened and observed throughout his life, the fear and reverence his father had had for God.  God was integral for his father and therefore He would be for him, Isaac, too.

In these chapters of Genesis (21-30) we see Isaac building an altar and calling upon the LORD (Genesis 26:25 ESV).  Isn't this a good thing to pass on to our next generations too?!  The worship of the One True God and Jesus Christ, for us.  However, not just in theory but in visual, authentic practice; that which one's offspring can see and observe and emulate.

I recall my own father often sitting quietly, absorbed by the Scriptures - reading and meditating upon God's Word.  He was always telling us to have personal times in the Word too.  He and Mom would plan ample time per day to have family Bible time reading as well.

No doubt Isaac's being "the offering" upon one of his father's altars imprinted (branded?) him indelibly, for life.  The deep dedication of his father's love of God, over and above his love for his precious, promised son Isaac overrode all else.  Isaac got the point, up close.

Praise the Lord, God stopped Abraham from fully carrying through.  "Yes, Abraham; you do love Me,  I knew it but wanted you to realize it too."

Then the wells...wells of water.  Refreshing.  Essential for life.  Abraham had dug a few.  They'd gotten "stopped up" by the locals,  Isaac tried to "revive" them.  Eventually, he had to dig his own new wells of life-giving liquid.

There will come a time when, we children will need to take respoinsibility for our own spiritual growth, and dig into the well of God's Word for ourselves.  Don't just rely on what Dad taught; nor the Sunday school teacher and/or pastor.  


Refresh yourself with the Holy Spirit's help and then refresh your children and others.  "Pitch your tent' at this well.  Build your own altar and call upon the LORD.  Pass it on.

Others will see and want the blessing of the Lord.  Feast upon the Scriptures.  May we each find favor with the Lord and others.  Make God your Personal Friend Deity, through Jesus.  Be revived, refreshed as was Isaac and his father before him.  May we find favor with the Lord and others.  By His grace, we can dig and worship.

                                                   ~ERC  August 2021~

Based on Genesis 21-30.

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