Monday, October 4, 2021

Book Review - Where The Light Fell - By Philip Yancey - Publication Date: 5 October 2021

 Books written by Philip Yancey have been a boon and a blessing in many believers' lives; I for one, can attest to that.  They are "get real" books; drop the facade.  In this book, Yancey unveils "where he's coming from" in those books.  Again, a blessing to know of the struggles endured throughout his lifetime, at home and at church, yet being able to strongly come to terms, in sincere faith and by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.  

Those who have grown up in a home and/or church setting that have, as Yancey puts it, an "extreme form of faith" and have been spiritually and emotionally abused thereby, will relate to his "verbal selfie"  aka "memoir" (his terms).  They will know there is hope.  Philip Yancey, thank-you for candidly sharing your life's journey; it helps!

                                                    ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                September 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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