Friday, October 29, 2021

Book Review - CAMA - By Cheyl Beck - Publication Date: 27 May 2021

 There is something special about CAMA, the delightful little elephant that keeps popping up in unexpected places and ways, right when needed.  She has a knack at calming and helping children.  

There are four stories each with its own theme, such as dealing with the transitions that change creates; showing kindness, love and to be forgiven.  CAMA is magically instrumental in aiding the cause in each case.

I like that, besides the virtues aspects, there are multicultural intimations, and a child with a physical disability, which are matter-of-factly interjected into the stories and spoken of positively and enablingly.  CAMA, of course, turns on her charm to assist.

Younger school chldren, I believe, will really like these stories and this book would make a very worthwhile possession for any child to have and to read; perhaps, even for a parent to read with their young offspring.  The stories even lead to meaningful conversations with one's children.

Another great feature is that this is the first book that is set to potentally launch and develop into a series of CAMA stories.  CAMA lovers will need to stay tuned for more.

Additionally, a link is provided in the book that allows for downloading a free coloring page of CAMA.

                                             ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                          October 2021

Disclaimer: This my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read Book Review on Goodreads.


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