Monday, October 11, 2021

Book Review - The Empire of Rubber: Firestone's Scramble For Land and Power in Liberia - Gregg Mitman - Publication Date: 12 October 2021


This is a big reveal, whistleblower biography of the purported 'advancement' of the country of Liberia.  Under cover of economic advancement and humanitarian deeds (snort!) to benefit the people of Liberia, the US based Firestone Tire and Rubber Company reigned, or thought they did.  Essentially, they lined and padded their own coffer pockets with great machinations and attempted manipulations, using trusted Firestone employees and cronies (often from high echelons of US government), to wield much power; attempting to mentally and politically armwrestle, outwit and hoodwink the Liberians.  

It was a huge power play but the Liberian Presidents pushed back - almost like a chess match between professional status players.  It would have been amusing if it was not reality.  Kuddos to the Liberians, especially to Prsident Barclay, an intelligent, astute politicaian who knew how to thwart, and to be a thorn-in-the-side of, the Firestones.  The Empire of Rubber, although somewhat rooted and maintained for many decades, in the end, had only a tenuous hold and did not take over Liberia by the covert ways and means it had wished.

Historians and history lovers will love this book, which is chock-full of detail and methodically written dates and timelines; although it may make it a plodding read for the less attuned to detail.  There are black and white pictures interspersed among the pages, documenting the years and key players, which supplement the factual historical narrative.

Additional information such as Acknowledgements, Notes, About the Author Gregg Mitman and an Index, follow the main comprehensive work of Mitman, who seems to have done his research homework well.  What a mammoth task to which he was obviously equal!

                                              ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                            September 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by the publisher.

Book Review on Goodreads

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