Thursday, October 21, 2021

More About Wells

 The wells Abraham dug, and that had gotten "stopped up" were reopened by Isaac. However, Abimelech's men claimed them for themselves.  Isaac had more dug.  Again, these springs of water were claimed by Abimelech's men.  After all, they needed this essential of life too.

Yeah, I know, why couldn't they dig their own?

As was noted from previous chapters of Genesis, Abraham and Isaac also built altars to call upon the LORD.  This was specific action on their part.  They feared and reverenced God the Creator.  They worshiped Him.  In God they put their trust.  They knew their spiritual thirst was quenched in Him.  The wells of water only quenched their physical thirst.

Abimelech and men did not seem to connect to God as did Abraham and Isaac.  They tried to get satisfaction from "stolen" water not realizing their true resource was God.  Abraham and Isaac knew it though.  We see Isaac "surrendering" his wells to Abimelech's men quite possibly on this reasoning.

The road from this ancient Old Testament account leads me to Jesus, the Living Water.  In the New Testament Jesus told the Samaritan woman He could give her water that would cause her to never be thirsty again.

She was skeptical, at first, but as the conversation continued, she really did "get it"; the understanding and insight that this man Jesus, was that Living Water.  Significantly, she left her water pots at the well.  She now had the Real Source of soul thirst quenching.  She hurried to tell others the good news.  They came and were satisfied.

In Jesus Christ, one and all can be satisfied when they put their faith and trust in Him.  He is still the Living Water where we can quench our spiritual thirst.  Accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  Drink deeply.  Be satisfied.

                                                         ~ERC  August 2021~

Based on Genesis 21-30 and John 4:4-42

Sing, Fill My Cup, with CRC worship


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