Sunday, May 5, 2024

Old and New Ways (Hebrews)

 Traditional people love old, tried and true ways of doing things.  It is unsettling for them when perky people institute new ways.  This could be where many conflicts come in to disturb the peace especially when neither group is willing to take up the challenge to step back and investigate each others' views in objective manner, to see the good of both sides of the coin.

God has old and new ways to connect with human beings.  The old way was through the tabernacle made by human hands, as instructed by God through Moses.  It was beautiful and good.  God's presence even lived in the Most Holy Place.

The sin sacrifices of the Judaistic worship and practices had to be repeated again and again, and be offered up by a mediating priest or high priest, who were also sinners.

These sacrifices didn't take away sins nor clear the consciences of guilt and feeling bad about sins.  Recall that this old way of worship is a reflection of the new and better way as related in the New Testament (NT) (see My High Priest, The True Tabernacle and OT Tabernacle).

God's new way is through Jesus, our Sacrifice.  His blood washes away our sin and guilt.  He is the one and only High Priest who is and ever will be, sinless.  He sacrificed Himself once for all and sat down to rest in Heaven, the true tabernacle made by God.

In the old way, people were reminded of their sins.  In this new way, Jesus promised,

"I will remember [your sins] no more ... these have been forgiven, there is no longer any sacrifice for sin" needed (see Hebrews 10:17 & 18).

Isn't God so good!  Let us continue to put our faith in Jesus, the one and only sacrifice needed.

God and Father, You are so good to us!  Your new way of relationship with human beings through Jesus is so much better.  Thank You for the faith to believe in You for the forgiveness of sins and that You won't remember them any more.  I give You my heart and thanks in Jesus' name.

                                                      ~ERC  April 2024~

Based on Hebrews 10:1-18 and Romans 8:1-4.

Sing, No Condemnation, along with Anthony Evans.

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