Monday, May 27, 2024

Offering Pleasing Aromas (Numbers 15)


Anyone who is an odd one out will know there are barriers, often as wide as the Great Wall of China, to overcome.  Prejudices and racism can be thick, blatant or subtle.  The battering ram of fortitude must be used with great care and patience before filaments of friendship can begin to crack the fortified wall and develop and eventually blossom into true brotherhood or sistership, even if with just a handfull of those who are not odd.

Foreigners in a foreign land can have such painful experiences after the initial novelty of having you around wears off.  But there is solace.  Even God mentions the leveling ground.  He told Moses,

" and the foreigner shall be the same before the LORD ... The same laws and regulations will apply both to you and to the foreigner residing among you" (Numbers 15:15-16).

The LORD made provision in the act of offering pleasing aromas to Him, whether an animal or a food offering; the same rules would apply.  God is so gracious!  He does not limit anyone.  He is the God who offers salvation to the "whosoever will" (see John 3:16) and then for them to offer praise up to Him.

Whosoever will may come to Him in faith and repentance, in gratitude and thanksgiving, no matter who you might be.  I love that God made such provision and regulations.

As human beings we often forget and want to segregate and divide.  By the time we read all the way from the book of Numbers to the New Testament there was so much segregation when we read of Jesus making His whip to drive out the money changers and folks who had made His house a den of thieves and robbers, there was so much insult to the whosoever, not to mention to God Himself.

The area of the Temple those merchants were using, was the area in which foreigners were supposed to be able to come and pray.  Having that noisy market of corrupt sellers was a snub in the face to God and the odd ones out who wished to worship God.  The religious leaders of the day had created laws and regulations that did not include the foreigners; this to their shame.  It was not pleasing to God nor to Jesus (see Matthew 21:12-13).

What about our houses of prayer in this day and age?  Do we greet and welcome the foreigner in our midst with the same warmth and friendliness as we do the regular local attendees?  Do we create barricades?

Stop.  Consider.  

Act accordingly to rectify if need be.  The good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is for one and all who believe.  Teach your children, so the actions of care and acceptance can be perpetuated.

"Throughout the generations to come you are to give this offering to the LORD from the first of your ground meal" (Numbers 15:21 NIV).

Then there will be no need for battering rams.  


Because the offering of welcoming those who are not like you will be a pleasing aroma to the Lord.

                                                    ~ERC  May 2024~

Based on Numbers 15:1-21 NIV.

Sing, Whosoever Will May Come, along with The N Crew.

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