Thursday, May 16, 2024

This Despised Wilderness (Numbers)

 Moses' eager anticipation for leading the Israelites triumphantly into the Promised Land turned into mortifying, trembling trepidition.  The general congregation of Israelites had scorned and rejected God's gift of the Promised Land.

They did some serious grumbling and rebelling, death wishing they could have died back in Egypt, not in "this wilderness"!!  They wished to choose a new leader to lead them back to Egypt - of all the audacious, insolent behavior!!

Moses and Aaron hit the dirt, noses to the ground before the Lord.  The two honorable spies, Joshua and Caleb, tore their clothes.  These four men knew the throngs of Israel were in big trouble before the LORD and were ready to beseech Him on this blinded, oblivious, thankless lot's behalf.

Yes, they allowed their fear to rule their hearts.  Caleb and Joshua made valiant effort to reassure them, they said,

"If the LORD delights in us, He will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land that flows with milk and honey" (Numbers 14:8 ESV).

They looked on the bright side and their confidence in the LORD shone out.  Still, they seemed to understand the fear coursing through the people.  They encouraged,

" not fear" (Numbers 14:9).

Then words of further admonition, 

"Only do not rebel against the LORD" (Numbers 14:( ESV).

The people had seemingly rebelled against Moses and Aaron but Caleb and Joshua got it right, ultimately the Israelites were rebelling against the LORD.  Their reaction was to want to stone Moses and Aaron to death.

They had yet to learn what David son of Jesse had learned.

"The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?...Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war arise against me, yet I will be confident..." (Psalm 27:1-3 ESV).

David did not glibly write these statements.  He had had opportunity aplenty to experience fear firsthand.  Much of this life he spent fleeing from the murderous King Saul, who was bent on killing him.  There were those who betrayed him and enemy forces abounded, yet he made...

"The LORD [his] light and salvation..." (Psalm 27:1 ESV).

Because of this he could confiently say, 

"Whom shall I fear?"

These words and confidence are ours to claim today.

"Let not your hearts be troubled.  Believe in God; believe also in Me"  said Jesus (John 14:1 ESV).

There are many stituations in life in which fear can potentially paralyze us.  I really do like Joshua and Caleb's statements,

"If the Lord delights in us, He will bring us into this land..."

If you are a child of God He delights in you too (see John 1:12).  He will bring you into and through your valley of the shadow of death that is fear manufacturing, help you overcome those fears and give you victory over them in the name of Jesus.

Let the peace of God grip your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus instead (see Philippians 4:7).  Put your faith, hope, trust and confidence in Him, even in this despised wilderness.  Sing a song of praise.  Make up a tune for the following words by an unknown-to-me author's poem.  

Sing, Christian sing.! 

Delight in Him.

"Praise God, our Maker and our Friend,

Praise Him through time, till time shall end,

Till psalm and song His name adore

Trhough heaven's great day of evermore".

Abba Father, there are so many circumstances of life that cause us to fear unreasonably because we take our eyes off you.  Help us to trust You, to put our confidence in You and not rebel against You but remember that whatever happens, You are working for our good because You delight in us, even in our despised wildernesses.  May our hope and peace be in You through our faithful Jesus Christ.  In His name we pray.  Amen.

                                                     ~ ERC  April 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 14 ESV.

Sing, Famous For (I Believe), along with Tauren Wells,  &Jenn Johnson and Faithful Now, along with Vertical Worship.

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