Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Master Strokes

 They got there slightly early and strolled along the beach.  The young adults had brought their frisbee and flung it at each other while the husband took a few pictures.

The big orange sun orb began to set and the beachgoers began to ooh and aah, phone cameras clicking.  The awsome autumn, auburn colors stretched across the sky in great stunning splendor.

It was like Jesus' arm, paintbrush in hand, had reached down from Heaven, and punched through the puffy white clouds to paint the sky, His canvas.  So He painted and the people appreciated this wonder of His creation, although they may not all have attributed it to Him.

Then it was, that Jesus turned His head to look behind Him at the wife, amused expression on His face and as if He was asking, "Good, isn't it?  Do you like it?'  It was like He was very pleased with His work and wanted to share the moment with everyone but it was she who was looking for Him and so they connected.  She nodded her head in cherished admiration.

Then there was that moment of revelation, Jesus is fully God and fully man!

Of course she knew that in her head already.  But His action of turning to look and ask for her seal of "well done!" was a very human-like behavior, like wanting that pat on the back.

The woman was amused.  She grinned at Him.  Yes, this was Jesus, the Master Painter, the perfect man who was also God.  In Him she could fully realize her expectations.  He would not let her down.

Only people who are fully human like sons and a husband can never fully live up to the mother and wife's expectations.  She should realize this, again, she did in her head but...this was an epiphany.

Later, the sky became navy blue, a beam of moonlight cascaded down and lit the sparkling and rippling waters.  One beam made a beeline for shore where she stood.

All the other people dissolved in encroaching night and it was just her and Jesus in communion.  His presence invited her to,

"Come to [Him], all who labored and were heavy laden.  [He'd] give her rest" (see Matthew 11:28-30). 

 And He did, lessening the hurt and burden.  She felt lighter and rested.

As she walked with her family back to the car, the gentle lap of waves spoke their peace and assurance into her ears that Jesus was going Home with them too.

He needed to finish painting the tapestry of their lives....

                                                    ~ERC  April 2024 ~

Sing, Come Jesus Come, We've Been Waiting so Long, along with Stephen McWhirter.

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