Wednesday, May 15, 2024

He Will Carry You Through (Numbers)


Every hear the saying, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth?"  This means that when someone gives you a gift, you don't criticise it and don't show ungratefulness.

The Israelites, despite Caleb's good report and the grapes' evidence about that gift land that flowed with milk and honey God wanted to give them, despised the gift.  They allowed fear of the Anakites and others whom they felt were stronger than them to rule their hearts instead and didn't trust God to make a way for them.

They used words such as,

 "The land, through which we have gone to spy it out, is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people that we saw in it were of great height" (Numbers 13:31).

Scary?  Yes, of course.  The descendants of Anak were giants.  The Nephilim were part human and part angel and were reported to be fearsome beings.  BUT, they'd forgotten that God was their Almighty God and all the miracles, and guidance and help He had done and given them while escaping Egypt and even the leading up to this point of entry to The Promised Land. 

 How could they?!

So the congregation of Israelites was infected by fear from this bad report instead of trusting in the One who could give them victory.  Moses must have been so deflated by this; like the fire having been turned off on a floating hot air balloon, which then crashed down to earth.  All that eager anticipation turned to trembling trepiditon in earnest, which we'll see in Numbers 14.

We are often like this too.  We allow our fears to rule us.

Remember all the way the Lord has led you so far throughout your Christian life journey.  Have you recorded them?  What parts are you grateful for?  Give thanks with a grateful heart.  Take heart and explore these good ways, relinquish the fears and trust the Lord instead.

Seek Him for solutions and guidance.  Ask Him to help you overcome the fears and to give you victory in whatever situation you are facing.

We can acknowledge the frightening scenarios but know too that our God is able to carry us through and calm our fears.

Trust Him.

                                                  ~ERC  April 2024~

Based on Numbers 13:25-33 ESV.

Sing, God is Able, along with Hillsong Worship.

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