Monday, May 13, 2024

Glimpse of Jesus


One was strumming the guitar, another drumming on his drums, and a third graced the piano with his nimble fingers and sang praise.  Together, they lifted up joyful songs and hymns - that sacrifice of praise from their hands, lips and hopefully, hearts, to the one who loves them; their Savior Jesus.

The Mom sat on the sofa just drinking in the aura of grateful praise, as if she were on holy ground.  She sat still and listened.

And she was not so wrong in her thinking.  There was a glimpse of Jesus standing over there by the piano.  He's arms were semi-crossed, one lifted at the elbow, His hand poised to His chin.  A happy smile adorned His countenance - and His eyes sparkling in delight, turned towards Mom - connecting.  They enjoyed the moments together.

A gift of shared parental, shall we say, pride, and pleasure to treasure.  The mother delighting in her sons and Jesus delighting in the whole tableau.

Oh joy, oh delight.  Thank You Jesus for these times in Your presence.  My heart is warmed by these happy memories and sings Your praise in response.

                                                   ~ERC  April 2024~

Sing, How Great Thou Art...Then Sings My Soul, along with Chris Rice.

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