Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Explorers (Numbers 13)


Moses' heart must have been racing in anticipation and excitement when he heard the LORD tell him to ...

"...send some men to explore the land of Canaan..." (Numbers 13:1 & 2).

His job was almost done, he'd helped the Israelites escape Egypt and slavery, and had led them all the way to the Promised Land.  Now they were on the cusp of receiving their promised Promised Land.  The adrenaline must have been pumping.

A leader from each ancestral tribe was rounded up and sent out on this auspicious expedition.  How do you think they must have felt?  Like Moses, some excitement but perhaps even some unsettling trepidition of wondering what awaited them in that unknown land.

Among the twelve explorers, there are two to especially watch.  They were Caleb son of Jephunneh of the tribe of Judah and Hoshea son of Nun of the tribe of Ephraim.  They were the honorable and upright men of integrity among the twelve.  (It is noted that Moses later changed Hoshea's name to Joshua.)

Moses gave them a checklist of questions for their exploratory quest.  So they all explored the land, seeing the sights, hearing the sounds and smelling the smells, noting the descendants of Anak, who were giants; the Eshcol grapes, of which they brought back a huge cluster sample-souvenir, from among their experiences.  Forty days later they returned to report.

The number 40 is of significance in the Bible.  It denotes a time of testing, transformative change for new life and growth or even from one way of doing things to another. 

For example, it rained 40 days and 40 nights when The Flood happened, keeping Noah and his family in the ark preserving human life as well as fauna life (see Genesis 7:4).  Jesus fasted 40 days in the desert and Satan came to tempt Him but in all that Jesus did not succumb or sin (see Luke 4:1-13).

Here we learn that the exploration time took 40 days.  What were the thoughts of those men at all they were seeing and experiencing?  What gripped their hearts?  

Think on it.  What would be in your mind in such a situtation?  What would be your reaction or response?  What would this 40-Day test have brought out in you?

This is a good place to stop, pause, and consider.  Is there something the Lord has prepared for you to do?  Are you on the cusp of something exciting that will change the direction of your life for a long time to come?  Are there unknown entities and elements?

What will be your reaction or response?

Be an explorer of your own heart, look up to the Lord and see where He will lead you, transform you and bring new life and growth.

                                                   ~ERC  April 2024~

Based on Numbers 13:1-25 NIV.

Sing, Forty Days and Forty Nights, along with North Stoneham and Bassett Parish.

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