Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Warning About Deliberate Sin (Hebrews)

Some people purposely do wrong, deliberately sinning.  The Bible warns against this.  If we keep on purposely, stubbornly doing so, there will be consequences.  Let's not harden our hearts against Christ and obedience to His Word and will.

Rejecting Christ and/or being rebellious towards Him is not a happy, satisfying path in the long run.  Know truth and follow truth to be set free (see John 8:31-32).

Jesus' parable of the sower who went out to sow his seeds has some bearing on this.  Some of the seeds fell on the wayside, others on stony ground, some on thorny ground and finally some on good soil.  Some of the seeds in some of those places appeared to grow well, at first, but eventually they died off, or were carried away by the wind or birds.

These were like the people who heard the Word of God and even felt happy about it for a while but then turned away.  They deliberately sinned by rejecting the truth about Jesus, thus turning away from Him.

Let's have noble and good hearts that hear God's Word, retain it, obey it, persevere and produce a crop.  A softened heart makes good soil for God to work on us - tilling our soil and giving the increase.

I listenend to an Alistair Begg sermon last night, his Part 4 in his Hebrews' series.  He mentioned that there was nothing wrong with the seeds.  They were all good seeds.  It was the soil that was the problem.  

So there is this caution.  What is the soil of your heart like right now?  Let's humbly and purposefully be obedient to Him and His will.  Listen to the Lord and what He wants to say to you and for you to take action accordingly.

Father God, I know that deliberate sin is a terrible thing in Your sight.  Thank You for the warning against it.  May Your Holy Spirit help soften my heart to accept You and do Your will, producing a good crop for You in my life.  May I always turn towards You and accept You and what You have to say.

In Jesus' name, amen.

                                                     ~ERC  April 2024~
Based on Hebrews 10 & 11.
Sing, Trust and Obey, along with the Vagle Brothers.

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