Friday, May 10, 2024

Doing God's Will With Perseverance (Hebrews)

William Carey
was a missionary from England who served the Lord among the people of India.  He had so many trials and set backs it's a wonder he could continue on for so many years!

His faith in Jesus strengthened his perseverance in doing God's will.  He was not counted among those who shrank back and drifted away.  This, unlike many of us who when we set out on a mission may be very enthusiastic at the outset but when the difficulties of life happen we begin to fizzle out.

Are we going to give up or persevere?

Carey preached and taught the unshakeable love of God among the very poor and helpless of Serampore, India for about 41 years.  Besides this, he translated God's Word into seven languages and had his own printing press for printing Bibles, dictionaries and other books.  Altogether he printed in about 44 different languages as he printed other missionaries' work as well.

One unfortunate night his printing press building burnt down and he lost his equipment and many of the precious translations of Bibles waiting to be printed.  He had to start the whole process over again.

Other trials were his wife and some of his children died of illnesses.  He faced crowds who laughed at him and/or were hostile towards him.  He did accomplish many other things like building schools for children; trying to stop suttee; speaking against the caste system telling the people we are all equal in God's eyes, which would not have made him very popular among those higher ups.  He built Christian universities and colleges, teaching and strengthening the new believers in the fear and admonition of the Lord, building them up in their most holy faith, so that in turn, they would be enabled to teach others as well.  He taught boys and girls alike, in schools, which went against the norms of the times.

Of interest, is that not only did Carey do much spiritual and social work among the poor, he was into botany and founded the Agri-Horticultural Society of India in Calcutta.  He was a man of many talents and skills.  He used them for the good of the people of India.

One of Carey's sayings he's well known for is, 

"Expect great things from God.  Attempt great things for God".  

As you can see, he really lived this out.

This life and times of William Carey labeled him the Father of Modern Missions.  He was able to do so much because he persevered in faith and in doing God's will.

May we be spurred on to do even half as much in our time given here on earth.  Give of your best to the Master.

Abba Father, I'm not always sure of what all You want me to do.  Reveal it to me and help me have the faith motivation to be doing Your will with perseverance, all my life.  I ask in Jesus' name, amen.

                                                            ~ERC  April 2024~

Based on Hebrews 10:36-39.

Sing,  Give of Your Best to the Master, prayfully, along with Reflection.

Further reading:  Remember the Snails (re:  perseverance in hope).

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