Wednesday, April 10, 2024

OT Tabernacle (Hebrews)

The unshakeable love of God gave us both the Old and New Testaments (OT & NT respectively).  The OT is full of wonderful stories, instructions and explanations.  The life and times of the Israelites serve, teach and help us to better understand the NT and all Jesus has done for us.  They are a foreshadowing of God's intent for His reveal of what life in Christ would look like.

Recall the two million or so Israelites who escaped from Egypt, led by Moses who walked with God.  After they escaped, they wandered the wilderness for about 40 years.  During that time God instructed Moses to build the Tabernacle (aka The Tent of Meeting).\

They had to build this Tabernacle, carefully following God's instructions exactly.  There were two rooms inside.  One was called the Holy Place and the other, the Most Holy Place.  In this second room God's presence came to rest and to be with them throughout their years in the wilderness.

In this Tabernacle they worshippped God and brought many sacrifices to atone for their sins.  They used bulls, lambs and doves without blemish.  There were the priests who helped them offer up these sacrifices.   The head priest was called the High Priest.

Each time an individual sinned, they had to offer up another and another and another animal sacrifice, which shed blood.  God was teaching them to get the idea of how bad sin is, how holy He is and that to come to Him, they needed to atone for their sins with the animal's blood.

Can you see how this foreshadow's the sacrifice Jesus made for us?

In our time now, we need to have our sins washed away with the precious blood of Christ.

"The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin" (1 John 1:9).

Everlasting Father, I like the idea that Your presence went everywhere with the Israelites.  You lived in the Tabernacle made with their hands.  Many of us do feel sad about all the animals that had had to be sacrificed for making atonement for their sins but we see  You take this very seriously especially since You wished to keep connection with them as a nation but also as individuals.  Therefore, You gave them a way to deal with their sins, thus bridging the gap that stole that connection with You, the Holy God.  They could then worship You for all You had done for them.  Thank You for these OT pictures in which Your unshakeable love shows You care.  In Jesus' name, amen.

                                                          ~ERC  March 2024~

Based on Hebrews 8:1-5 and 9:1 & 2.

Sing, No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus, along with Steffany Gretzinger.

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