Sunday, May 12, 2024

Perseverance in Faith Which Sees (Hebrews)

Thomas, one of Jesus' disciples whom many people like to call Doubting Thomas did at first believe in seeing is believing.  The other disciples had said, 

"We have seen the Lord."  

He remarked, 

"Unless I see the nailmarks...I will not believe."  

Oh, but when he did see, he exclaimed, 

"My Lord and My God!" 
 He knew with certainty this man before him was indeed Jesus and that Jesus was now alive.

Thomas' doubts fled away and his faith in Jesus exploded.  History tells us that Thomas went as a missionary to India.  This was about 1000 years before William Carey did in 52 AD.  So you see, once Thomas got his faith under him, there was no turning back.  He became like one of those blessed that Jesus told him about,

 "...blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

I believe that God is gracious to us feeble human beings and does allow encounters with Jesus when we need it.  Those times can serve to be defining moments that last a lifetime of faith without literally seeing Him on a day-to-day basis. 

 How's your faith quotient?  Ask and you will receive.

However, we can truly be amazed at those ancients who went before us whose faith was unwavering in major ways.  When we read Hebrews 11 and count up the numerous times "by faith" is written, and recall their stories, our own faith can be encouraged and bolstered.

Think of Noah, Abraham and the others.  God promied each of them something.   They may have seen some of their promise come to fruition in their lifetime but not all of it.  Yet they still held the belief that God would fulfil it.

We call this perseverance in faith.  They kept on keeping on believing.  They were sure of what they hoped for because they had complete trust in God and what God had promiseed.  Some of those promises came to be only after they had died.

Faith was the key motivator propelling them to persevere in hope.  Many of the people mentioned in Hebrews 11 had had bad things happen to them, yet they still persevered and trusted God.  Let's all persevere in our faith in God too, no matter what.  Keep on, keeping our faith in God unshakeable because He is our trustworthy and unshakeable God.

This is what believers in God's unshakeable kingdom do.

Almighty God and Heavenly Father, in You I put my trust and faith.  Those ancients we read about in the Bible trusted You and You did not disappoint them.  With Holy Spirit's help, help me to persevere in my faith in You, no matter what.  I choose to do so.  Thank You for Your blessings to us who believe even when we cannot see You with our physical eyes.  In Jesus' name, amen.

                                                  ~ERC  April 2024~

Based on Hebrews 10:37-11:1-39 and John 20:24-30.

Sing,  Through Eyes of Faith, along with Sharing Gospel Song and Walk By Faith along with Jeremy Camp.

Check out this link:  Doing God's will With Perseverance, re: William Carey.

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