Sunday, May 19, 2024

Fame & Power (Numbers 14)

 How many people have looked up to the skies, shaking a fist in anger, bitterness and contempt at God?  This is more or less what the Israelites had done.

When Moses asked God to forgive this grave sin, God told Moses He would on one condition, that not a single one of those disgruntled, hostile complainers would see the Promised Land they so wished for.  He said,

"No one who has treated me with contempt will ever see it" (Numbers 14:23 NIV).

This last episode had been the last straw for God.  He'd forgiven them ten times already but for this one the consequences would be the ultimate.

Moses had done some serious intercession for these Israelites.  He didn't have to.  Fame and power could have been full-fledged for him.  The LORD had made him an offer most men would not have turned down.

The LORD offered to totally disinherit and wipe out these unthankful Israelites and then start a new nation with Moses and his descendants that would be,

"greater and mightier than they" (vs 12).

Meek man Moses seemed to have been totally deaf to that.  He didn't even hesitate, rather he launched into his pleas on the Israelites' behalf.  He reached out to the LORD, protecting His reputation and name, telling Him, He was the great one and to let His power and fame be the ones to shine out.

Moses appealed to the LORD's attributes of being

 "slow to anger and abounding in love" (vs 18) 

and according to that measure of love, to forgive these guilty people, just as He had been doing since they'd left Egypt.  In this Moses asked the LORD to let His strength to be displayed, not just among the Israelites but as a witness to the surrounding nations who had eagle eyes trained on the Israelites, watching their progress, or lack thereof, looking for weaknesses to exploit.

What are the 'gifts' God has given us?  Are we despising them?  The best gift He's given is Jesus the perfect one.  Jesus who earned salvation for mankind.  He holds it out on offer for one and all to receive.  Will we shake our fists in contempt at Him?

Remember all the way the Lord has led you since you came out of Egypt - so to speak.  That is, since you may have already accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, how has He helped you? Maybe the help isn't the way we wanted it, but it is His way that is best for us.  Do we hold this way in contempt?

It is good to repent of it.  We have a forgiving Father but we may suffer consequences of our rebellion and contempt as did the Israelites.  I'm not so sure He'll strike you dead in the wilderness but He will do that which will  show His glory, presence and influence through the Holy Spirit in your life.

If it takes a painful process, know that He is still abounding in steadfast love for us, for you.  Let's let His fame and power be on display through our lives.  Let's be more like Moses, Caleb and Joshua - people who let the LORD use them in mighty ways.  They were men who feared God and were of great valor, integrity, and humble before the Lord.  Let's work like this too with our Lord on behalf of others until He comes.

                                                         ~ ERC  April 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 14.

Sing, The Steadfast Love of the Lord, along with St. Georges' Church.

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