Saturday, February 5, 2022

'Old Faithful' Brother


It's always nice to unexpectedly bump into an 'old' friend or acquaintance after an extended stretch of time.  That's what we have here in Acts 15.  I was pleasantly surprized to come across Joseph Barsabbas Justus since the casting lots event as seen in Acts chapter 1.  This time he's gained yet another name, 'Judas'; a man with many handles.  Ha, ha.

This Judas was still a trusted, respected brother-in-Christ.  Isn't that wondrous to see?  He hadn't held a grudge because he wasn't chosen to fill the spot left available by Judas Iscariot.  No.  He had kept on, keeping on, faithfully, in his own particular service-for-the-Lord role.

That's why I'm so delighted to meet him again.  Did you read to see what was keeping him busy?

Judas Barsabbas and another brother, Silas, were two "highly  respected" (Good News) brothers, chosen for the special delivery of the letter and message from the Jerusalem Council regarding the sharp debate between the Gentile converts and the Judaizers about having to be circumsized in order to be fully saved.  (If you read the previous blog entry 'They Listened!', you'll see more fully how this incident panned out.)

These two men were chosen then, to accompany Paul and Barnabas back to Antioch with the answer.  We see them then, after doing their duty regarding the dispute, go another mile with the saints gathered in the Antioch region.  Turns out that both of these brothers were also "prophets".  Prophets who could speak "a long time."  

What were they saying?  Words of 'courage and strength".  The response was to send them off, back to Jerusalem, "in  peace".

Don't you just love that!  I do.

All was quiet on the set for a bit thereafter in referring to Judas Barsabbas.  He must have been a humble, steady and faithful man.  Next time we hear of him another choice is being made between him and another.  Ahh, another chance at postition of authority and priveledge....

You'll see that neither greed nor pride lifted up their ugly heads.  If you read the next section of verses from verse 36-49, you'll see that it was Silas who was chosen to accompany Paul on his next missionary journey, not Judas Barsabbas.  I find this intriquing.

We don't know the circumstances of why one over the other  in each instance but I believe that our friend Judas B. must have had the meekness of Moses, being steadfast in the Lord, no matter what.  Oh, to be more like that!  Let us be faithful to our God and Father  and to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Let us serve and adore Him as Judas B. must have done without incident or argument over any assumed rights he may have had for the position.  May our Heavenly Father's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

To tell you the truth, I want to bump into more 'old faithful' brothers like Judas B., don't you?

                                                  ~ERC  October 2021~

Based on Acts 15:22; 32-33; and Acts 1:21-26 NIV/GoodNews.

Sing, O Come All Ye Faithful, along with Northern Baptist Association.

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