Thursday, February 17, 2022

THE God of Mercy


The Lord our God is the God of mercy and justice and grace (Isaiah 30:18).  We can call upon Him at all times.  He is our Healer, Provider and more.  In Him, we can have peace.  Did you also know He is the God of all comfort and encouragement?

Paul, Silas and Timothy had been keeping a hectic schedule of travels, city to city to city, preaching, teaching and avoiding being murdered.  They, especially Paul, would be "strengthening and encouraging" the believers en route.  All this despite the pain and discomfort from the Philippi whippings, and wear and tear of travel.

Tiredness dogged their steps, perhaps overtaking them at times.  Perhaps, even fear crept in.  We do not know as the Bible does not say.  Nonetheless, I really love how the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision one night.

"Do not be afraid; keep  on speaking, do not be silent.  For I am wth you and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city" (Acts 18:9 & 10 NIV).

This happened in the city of Corinth, a city of great wealth, luxury and immorality (SPM*).  such a message would bring great relief of mind and maybe he could have even unpacked his suitcase.  He ended up staying 1 1/2 years,

"...teaching them the word of God" (v 11).

True riches; and therein lay holiness.

Words of comfort and encouragement can go a long way.  When we've been on the  path of rigorous service for the Lord, praise the Lord we can turn to His word for comfort and encouragement for ourselves, so we can then be strengthened to comfort and encourage others along our earthly trek and scope of ministry.  Our God is indeed the God of mercy as He ministers to  our souls and spirits through His word and the workings of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

                                                 ~ERC  November  2021~

Based on Acts 18:9-11 (NIV/GoodNews)

*SPM Study Guide Bible Knowledge, The Acts of the Apostles; Goh Kim Kuat; copyright 20005; Issachar Sdn. Bhd.

Sing, Songs of Hope & Healing, along with Don Moen and others.

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