Monday, February 28, 2022

Book Review - Loujain Dreams of Sunflowers - By Lina AlHathloul & Uma Mishra-Newberry - Publication Date: 1 March 2022

 Taking this ingeniously beautiful Loujain and sunflowers story at face value is a sweet, endearing girl child fulfilling her dreams, and who even sparks and inspires others into fulfilling theirs.  However, to know and understand the background to this story, lends potential for teaching ones own child about justice and how to work towards greater human rights for women, and spill over into any other legitimate cause.  Also that such activists can and do suffer for doing what's right but still have fortitude to persevere towards their purpose and goal.

This story is accompanied by great, colorful illustrations which wonderfully compliment the storyline.  Additionally, there is a section in the book itself which gives the backstory.  Loujain Dreams of Sunflowers gets my full five stars, although I wish I could give it a million more.

                                         ~Eunice C.  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                      December 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads

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