Sunday, February 13, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - Holy Vessels


Holy and honorable vessels for the Lord bear the Name of the Lord with grace, truth and humility.  This wonderful Name of Jesus is what has made the vessels holy.  God's  righteousness imputed, at the point of salvation, upon each and every believer in Jesus Christ.

And we become royal priests in the service of our Lord, King and Savoir, Jesus Christ.  We are indwelt by the Holy Spirit and we can begin the progressive sanctifying process towards becoming holy as our Heavenly Father is holy - vessels fit for the Master's use (2 Timothy 2:20-26, especialy v21).

The Israelite priests tended to the sacred articles of the Tabenacle and carried them from place to place throughout their wilderness journey.  They used them as needed in the Temple worship of God.  They had to be holy and so did the vessels.

We are now both priests and vessels.  We are to comport ourselves with holiness and honor to give glory and honor to the name of our precious Savior and Redeemer who has done all things well.  We have His omnipresence before and behind us as we bring our vessels out to carry Jesus to one and all.  May we each act wisely as we carry and deliver His message.  He is worthy motive to propel us to honorable and holy living.  

May we each be vessels characterized by these for our Lord's glory and honor.  Jesus, our High Priest has done so  much for us, let us do what we should and conduct ourselves as we should,  according to His word and so carry His Name in holy and honorable vessels until He comes.

Yes, Father, as we pass the bread and wine to our brothers and sisters-in-Christ this Lord's Day, and partake and drink therefrom, let us keep Your Name and the Name of Your son Jesus, holy.  May others not be appalled at You because of us but instead delight as we carry Jesus' Name and banner high and with honor, dignity, integrity and holiness.

In Jesus' Name we give You thanks and praise.

                                                       ~ERC  February 2022~

Based on Isaiah 51:9-15 NIV.

Sing, Be Unto Your Name, with CRC Worship.

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