Saturday, February 19, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - Healing Power Lifted Up

 "This manna is disgusting; such miserable food!" the Israelites murmured and complained impatiently.  The Lord sent snakes, slithering, hissing and biting them.  That shut them up in the  complaint department, chasing them right to Moses with terrified, compelled compulsion saying they'd sinned against the Lord and Moses.  "Ask the Lord to take the snakes away from us, " they despairingly begged and pleaded (Numbers 21:3-7 NIV).  Moses prayed and the Lord instructed him to erect a bronze serpent up on a pole.  Those who were bitten could look at the snake and be healed from the venomous attack.

Eve didn't run from the serpent in the Garden of Eden.  No, she sat and had a chat.  The deviously clever serpent lured her to The Fall (Genesis 3:1-6 NIV).  She and Adam ate the forbidden fruit and we all can attest to the long term earth-shattering results and consequences.  There was no happily ever after until Jesus came.

Jesus met the serpent in the wilderness after His 40 days of fasting.  Jesus resisted the Devil who  was in serpent form as in the Garden of Eden in Eve's case.  Jesus resisted and the devil fled from Him (James 4:7 NIV).  Jesus had indeed submitted Himself to God, resisted  the devil and the devil  fled - his voice was shut up (Luke 4:1-13).

In Isaiah 52:13 NIV where we read the prophetic message of Jesus' suffering and glory - God's perfect servant who "acted wisely".  He,

"will be lifted up and highly exalted."

Praise to the Lord, He did so.  We read in John 3:14-15 He did so even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the  wilderness.  Then it had been a symbol of healing power.  In Jesus we have actual healing power - the remedy for sin.

Jesus lifted upon the cross in suffering and shame and sacrifice.  We look on Him who was pierced for our transgressions,

"marred beyond human likeness" (Isaiah 52:14 NIV).

Oh Jesus, Friend unfailing, how dear, you are to us.  We remember your travail, Your suffering, for us, this Lord's  Day.  In You we have found that healing power for our sin, degradation and  condemnation.  You have "sprinkled us" and made us shut up our mouths from sin, complaints, murmurings, that are wont to spew from us.  Instead we open our hearts, minds, souls and spirits to  give You that sacrifice of praise in remembrance.

You have forgiven us who believe in You and who believe You - in faith as is Your wont.  As we partake of the bread and drink of the wine - other symbols for Your healing grace - we remember Your pain, suffering, and Your submission to Your Heavenly Father.  We run to You and thank You for the salvation we have in You.

All hissings and accusations of the slithering devil serpent cannot take away this healing and this bringing us back to You, into Your presence.  Thank-You, Jesus.  It's in and through Your Name we can have life, healing of our souls, and are even able to be in Your presence to commune with You.  Thank-You from the bottom of our grateful hearts and we burst into songs of joy.

                                                ~ERC  February 2022~

Based on Isaiah 52:9-10; 13-15 and Numbers 21:3-7; John 3:14-15 NIV.

Sing, Jesus, Friend Unfailing, with Moya Brennan, Kingsway Music.

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