Sunday, February 20, 2022

Book Review - The Drowned Village - By Norma Curtis - Publication Date: 21 February 2022


There are several points of interest for me in this historical romantic work of fiction.  There was the item of especial note that was a once-upon-a-time tradition of the Welsh carving of love spoons, Welsh Quaker roots and the President Abraham Lincoln link.  Some of his ancestors supposedly came from the area of North Wales; at least in this story.  Al Locke, one of this story's protagonists, was interested in the history of Abe's family tree and was trying to trace these roots as they connected with his own.  He learned of possible gravesite stones of one of these fore-mother's through Elin whom he naturally fell head-over-heels in love with.  This narrative began during WWII time when Al was an American Navy man thus meeting Elin in her part of the world.  The relationship, due to miscommunication and other events, became frutstrated.  As an elderly man of 85 years, Al came back to pursue his search for ancestors to greater obsessive lengths, where he meets Sophie and her links to the past and to possibly to finding Elin. He was in for some shocks, disappointments and closure.

I found some objectional (to me) sexual content but overall I enjoyed the story for light reading.  There was also some humor which always attracts me.  Although this tale may not have had a totally "happily ever after" ending, the story did come to a satisfying conclusion, at least in my opinion.

                                             ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                        February 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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