Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Book Review - The Desert Flowers - Willow - By Judith Keim - Publication Date: 10 February 2022

 Although this Desert Sage Inn book is the third in the series, it could stand alone.  This one is mostly about Willow Sanchez, one of  hotelier Alec Thurstan's 'Desert Flowers,' as he called his proteges.  Rose and Lily were the other two right hand women assisting him with the transition of the sale of his hotel, the Desert Sage Inn.  It was painful for these Desert Flowers, especially for Willow, as Alec was like a second father to her and he was now terminally ill.  
There was great sadness that I could feel but also there were joys and energy of life.  Pedro and Juanita Sanchez, Willow's  parents, completed Alec's family of five other loving, and caring members in his circle.  

The question was, would Willow be part of the management team at the Desert Sage Inn under the new owners?  I sure hoped she would get that position as she wanted to stick around. However, was there something else in the wind?  Would she even find love despite her independent streak? Trace and Craig were certainly interested parties.

Even though there was sadness and loss, I really enjoyed this book and paradoxically felt that it was a happy read.  I could feel present in the story, waiting and hoping right along side Willow; waiting patiently impatient and  in suspense, for answers.

I do have issue with the pre-marital intimacy that happened between characters but other than that, it was interesting to learn of some of the hotel life and dynamics from the operational side of things.  I believe the story finished up very satisfactorily with the Desert Flowers finding a good cause along with Pedro and Juanita, to keep the memory of Alec alive and engaging in something that he would have truly sanctioned.

                                             ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                         January 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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