Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Book Review - God, Grace and Horses - By Laurie M. Brock - Publication Date: 15 February 2022


This book has a lot of good spiritual and everyday horse sense within its pages and the author, Laurie M Brock, writes at an easy, gentle gait. Like one of her cowgirl riding instructors once advised her, "around horses, go slowly".  In other words, one shouldn't gallop through this book; walk and maybe transition into a trot but take time to "see purple" and smell the roses, or the horses, as the case may be, to more fully appreciate the embedded gems.

Before reading this book God, Grace and Horses, I just thought, a horse is a horse.  However, it was fun to meet the various horses Brock rides, such as:  Moe, Spencer, Izzy and her own Nina, to name some, and discover their respective personalities and the experiences from which these horse sense lessons have evolved.

I deduce from reading this book, that variety in horses creates a variety of nuances in how to ride despite the various standard operating procedures of how to post; hold the reins to communicate with individually respective horses and to build a better relationship and ride for both horse and rider.  Such is life and our own human diversity of living experiences with God.  

Obviously, experenced horse people will love this book; however, it is instructional for those of us  with minimal horse connections as well.  Those of us who love Jesus will definately be blessed in learning better ways to communicate and relate with God and others with greater grace and to live in His grace, ourselves.  

Additionally, pastors and counselors or others who often deal with high stress issues on a regular basis may well find this a very beneficial "sermon solace" to still their hearts and minds.  There could be pricks of challenge, akin to a horse feeling the taps of the crop upon its rump, for our own good and improvement.  

Although it has been great "riding horses" with Brock there is one word of caution to readers who believe in a young earth.  Brock appears not to.  However, overall, this book certainly has good value of thought and I'll certainly look at a horse with greater affinity and perception in a next encounter and try to remember the lessons Brock shares.  

If a reader enjoys this book and wants to "ride more horses" with Brock, know that she has a string of several other 'lessons from horses' books already "in the barn," groomed, bridled and saddled, just waiting for you to come 'ride'.

                                         ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                   December 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review from Goodreads.

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