Thursday, February 3, 2022

Good Book - Daughter of China - by C. Hope Flinchbaugh - Copyright 2002

A friend of a friend gave this Daughter of China book to her and my friend passed it on to me.  It took some courage and fortitude to begin reading it after perusing the reviews on the back cover.  However, I'm glad I had the determination to read it and so become enlightened to the plight of our brothers and sisters-in-Christ in China back in the 1990's, in the time frame of this story depicting those years.  Although it is a work of fiction, it is based on real life happenings.   This story covers the persecution of believers and also the treatment of orphans in some of the more infamously notable orphanages.

My heart went out to Kwan Mei Lin and the house church believers in her village.  The horrific treatment perpetuated upon them and especially upon their pastor, Pastor Chen.  The passion for Jesus Christ that made them patient in affliction and not deny Jesus is difficult for us in 'free-er' countries to comprehend.  Yet we can rejoice in their supreme courage and perseverence despite beatings and the most disgusting situations of squalor forced upon them as well as upon the criminals in prisons.  Unexpected opportunities for Mei Lin to share her faith in Jesus will surprize you as much as it did her.  

Conditions in orphanges were not much better - more heartbreak.  We get to meet "Katou," a sweet little orphan urchin who will instantly win your heart especially for all she endured.  Zhu, her friend had it even  worse.

There is so much suffering at the hands of evil men and women, that it is striking when love, care and mercy are given to the victim.  To realize there are those who show concern to the point of doing something, truly made differences in a hundred and one ways to those suffering in such miserable  wretchedness.  Your tears may flow as you read along because of all that but you will encounter there will be times of joy too.

The Lord be praised because of those people who care.  These are the ones who will want  to read this book the most.  Beware, there  are hard  truths to swallow.

I want to believe that conditons, especially in the orphanages have greatly improved by this year of 2022. We do know that our Revenger God does have His eye upon each one and that He will make things right in ways we cannot manage to alliviate the  situations now.  We can look in our own backyards however, and do whatever we can as we have opportunity for those within our reach.

Additionally, there are some who have been able to be instrumental in helping both the persecuted and the orphans, although they likely come from different sources.There is a Jenny Bower who created Half the Sky Foundation now known as OneSky;  and there is the New Hope Foundation.  There are likely more.  

Acknowledgments at the end of this book list from whence the author gleaned some of her facts; give titles of videos and documentaries that would be helpful to watch, such as China Cry and Bamboo in Winter; and another list of organizations that provided facts about persecuted Christians such as Amnesty International, Open doors with Brother Andrew, Voice of the Martyrs and so on.

Obviously, I highly recommend this book.

                                                    ~ERC  January 2022~

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