Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Book Review - The Runaway Children - By Lindsey Hutchinson - Publication Date: 10 February 2022


For me, this book was totally engaging from start to finish.  There's humor, there's that which will get your dander up, good deeds and a whole lot of fun.  I'd say it is a truly wholesome and delightful read for any school aged child, and ahem, the adults in their lives.  There are twists and turns and surprizes that will keep any reader racing ahead to the next pages.

The reader will come to discover why poor Dora catches so much of the brunt of her Grandmother Edith's vindictiveness.  Why the children ran away and how do Dora and her mom Mary fit into all of this?  Who are the secret benefactors and more?

I have thoroughly enjoyed this heart warming tale and hope to some day read more from this author, Lindsey Hutchinson in the future.  I give this book my 5-Star seal of approval.

                                                   ~Eunice C.  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                               January 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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