Thursday, February 10, 2022

Fond of the Bereans

 Do you ever have a critical attitude or feel a resistance to listening to the Word of God being preached by certain individuals in your church services?  I do and have done so often.  The human spirit wells up and wants to rebel, perhaps for good reasons.

By contrast, I love the Bereans' noble character.  They were willing - note the word, 'willing' - to consider new ideas with an open mind.  They didn't just blindly accept all Paul was saying as gospel truth.  NO.  They "considered" it.  They 

"examined the Scriptures" (Acts 17:11 NIV).

and that,

"every day" (Acts 17:11 NIV).

They found that what Paul was preaching was true; and many Jews believed as did prominent Greek women and men.  

It wasn't just a quick glance through but an examination thereof.  This is a much better attitude to absorb into our beings.  

Yes, we need to 

"test the spirits to see if they are from God" (1 John 4:1 NIV)

or not.

Nevertheless, we're speaking of the general attitude of our hearts and minds, no matter whose teaching and preaching, to be noble and willing to listen and learn.  I'm rather fond of these Bereans and wish and pray to be more like them in their wise, nobly discerning stance.  How about you?

Let's let God's Word guide and be a light for our feet (Psalm 119:105).

                                                         ~ERC  October 2021~

Based on Acts 17:10-15 (NIV/GoodNews).

Sing Word of God Speak, Mercy Me.

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