Thursday, February 24, 2022

Handle With Care

It is often by route that we sign off on our prayers, "In Jesus Name, Amen".  What does it mean?  Is it a formula?  What if we didn't tag the phrase on, would our Heavenly Father still hear our prayer?

It's true, I believe, that we often don't think much about it and so end our prayers, almost as if ticking off on a checklist of prayer routine.  We don't think much about it.

Yet, Jesus' Name  is a most hallowed and powerful name and even though we  hear our precious Savior's name misused and as a curse word, we followers of Jesus should treasure the blessed name of Jesus and "handle with care".  We are well reminded of  this in Acts 19:11-18,

God did extraordinary miracles through Paul (vs 11) and some Jews, namely the seven sons of Sceva (vs 14) wanted  to invoke  the name of  Jesus to heal but also to enrich themselves with power, riches and prestige.  They attempted to  commercialize the name of Jesus and His power.

Sceva's sons were taught a hard lesson  that day - beat up by evil spirits who claimed they knew Jesus and Paul but they did not know these sons.  This was because they had said, 

"In the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches..." (vs 13),

to the evil spirits.

Obviously, by how these sons even framed the command "the Jesus" as if there was more than one Jesus, and "whom Paul" knew but not they themselves, it can be surmised that they did not know Jesus, personally, themselves.  Serious matter.

We do well and are wise to take heed even if we have made Jesus our personal Savior and Lord.  The Lord won't strike us down but do  think about what we say and how we  say the Name of Jesus.  When we tack  on, "in Jesus' Name" at the end of our prayers, let us realize what we are saying and use Jesus' name in a cherished manner.

It is in and through the Name of Jesus we can come boldly and with confidence into God's presence and speak freely, without fear.  We are His children, made so by our faith in His son Jesus our Savior and His work of salvation on our behalf.

So saying, I believe our Heavenly Father will still hear and listen when  we come to Him and do not say, "in Jesus' Name" at the end.  We could be having a running conversation with Him all day or night long and especially when we send  up SOS's in great need and desparation - He hears, He understands and loves us, responding to our faith.

To acknowledge in whose Name and by whose power and authority we pray, in general, is still good though, when the Name of Jesus is handled with care.  Let us think upon it and not let "in Jesus' Name" become a ritual mouth-spouted formula.

Father God, we are sorry for all the times we have taken Your Son and His name for granted.  Help us to cherish Jesus and His name and to use His name with loving care, reverence and fear, realizing the power - Your omnipotent power - we invoke as we bring our prayers, praises, petitions, pleas, and supplications before You in His Name.

We humbly give You thanks and praise that we can use His and Your power.  In Jesus' precious Name we give You our thanks now.  Hallowed be Your and Jesus' Name.

                                                    ~ERC  November 2021~

Based  on Acts:19:11-20 NIV/GNs

Sing, Our Father, along with Andrea Bocelli.

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