Friday, January 28, 2022

They Listened!

 Like the Psalmist said,

"How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity" (Psalm 133:1 NIV)!

In Acts 15 we have just such a model example.  It was tense at first but the apostles and other leaders were wise in how they handled the altercation precipitated by Judaizers upon Gentile converts.

The "fierce argument" (GoodNews) was brought from Antioch with Paul, Barnabas, the Judaizer influencers and others, to the apostles, elders and leaders of the church in Jerusalem.

I don't know about you, but I love it when a family member, friend, close associate perhaps at work or from church, LISTENS to what I have to say.  When they listen, considering seriously that I just might have something legitimate to say regarding whatever issue or decision relevant to all involved, one feels like one may well be worth something.

I don't mean that hearers must kowtow to all that's said, but at least consider it, add it into the equation and so vindicate what was said.  No doubt we all would love to be treated in this manner.

This is why I love this portion.  The oversight in Jerusalem were wise.  The listened to BOTH SIDES of the argument.  In addition to this, they did not huddle secretly in a corner or inner sanctum away from the "whole assembly" (Acts 15:12 NIV), making arbitrary decisions.

No.  Everyone involved in the matter were privy to the details!  Isn't that a caution!  Yes, there were some smaller group discussions by the leaders but then they openly gave an answer and of how they arrived at their particular conclusion.  I just love how they conducted the matter - full disclosure.

Here's what the SPM Study Guide for Acts commented,

"There were a few meetings that apparently took place (as described by verses 4-22):

i)  general meeting of welcome and report (vs 4-5)

ii)  meeting of the leaders (vs 6-11) and

iii)  a meeting of the  apostles, elders and the whole assembly (vs 12-22)."*

Oh that churches nowadays would be so forth coming!  (Sorry, just had to interject that.  Communication to avoid mystery and misunderstanding is a good thing.)

It is paramont to note, however, that this oversight group did not simply "lean on their own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5-6) but sought God and His word, then regarding of utmost value what God had to say.

James, the Lord's brother, who seemed to be the leading brother-in-Christ in Jerusalem at the time, referred the whole group to Amos 9:11-12.  Among other things was the phrase,

"...all the rest of mankind...all the  Gentiles whom I have called to be my own..."

That was James quoting Amos who was quoting God.

The oversight used God's word aright.  Holy Scriptures which were able to make them wise, not only to salvation but to decision making (2 Timothy 3:15).  These words of God confirmed their decision of the man-made wisdom in alignment with God's purposes.

My point is, know the Scriptures.  To know is to have read, meditated upon and perhaps even memorized God's Word.  Personal reading, Bible studies, listening to God-honoring sermons, all  combine to help us live and make vital decisions that please the Lord.  God's Word can help keep us from making a hard-headed, stubborn fool of ourselves.

In summary, there were the Judaizers point of view, Paul and Barnabas' refute, Peter's testimony, Jerusalem oversight discussions and end decision sanctioned by the Scriptures.  The end result, when the report was delivered back to Antioch and the other churches in that area that were involved in the inquiry, was that 

"they were filled with joy" (Acts 15:31 GoodNews).

It was a happy ending that ended in peace and harmony.  The unity of the Spirit was maintained, all because the oversight listened.

Isn't it a wonder!?

                                                        ~ERC  October 2021~

Based on Acts 15:1-34 especially verses 15-18 NIV/GoodNews.

*SPM A Study Guide to the Acts of the Apostles Bible Knowledge; Goh Kim Guat c2005; Isachar Sdm. Bhd.

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